Friday, May 12, 2023

Pakistan's Supreme Court Rules Imran Khan's Arrest Was Illegal And That He Must Be Released Immediately


BBC: Imran Khan: Pakistan's Supreme Court rules arrest was illegal 

Pakistan's Supreme Court has ruled that former prime minister Imran Khan's dramatic arrest on corruption charges this week was illegal. The court ordered Mr Khan's immediate release. 

His lawyers had argued that his detention from court premises in Islamabad on Tuesday was unlawful. 

At least 10 people have been killed and 2,000 arrested as violent protests have swept the country since he was held. Tuesday's arrest escalated growing tensions between him and the military. 

The opposition leader, ousted in a confidence vote in April last year, was brought to court on the orders of Pakistan's top judge. 

As Mr Khan arrived in court, media ran through the corridors to capture his first public appearance since he was arrested.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: That was not expected. 

Pakistan's Supreme Court Rules Imran Khan's Arrest Was Illegal And That He Must Be Released Immediately  

Pakistani supreme court declares Imran Khan arrest unlawful -- Washington Post 

Arrest of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan was illegal, top court rules -- CNN

Imran Khan released from custody after Pakistan court rules arrest illegal -- SKY News  

Pakistan supreme court rules arrest of Imran Khan was illegal -- The Guardian 

Pakistan Supreme Court says Imran arrest illegal, orders his release, tells him to appear in HC -- Times of India


RussInSoCal said...

This could be the first civil war within a nuclear power.

Anonymous said...

Blue print for the US

When they arrest Trump (and they will), storm the fucking traitors offices and do what needs to be done (--> arrest THEM!)

Anonymous said...


It WOULD have been a civil war in Pakistan if they tried to really go through with this and jail an elected leader based on some BS

same will happen in the US: They are already prepping to arrest Trump. They know fully what will happen. They do this ON PURPOSE

Anonymous said...

if you look at what they are doing:

1. they (democrat leadership and deep state, not regular democrats) cause political turmoil
2. they (same group) promotes a new treaty with WHO (a subsidiary of the UNO)
2a. this new treaty will come in effect - if not opposed - May 24 this year and will affect every country on the globe (except Lichtenstein).
2b. Once this is in place - I see the WHO take power - as per new treaty - in case of a health emergency.
3. Together: Political and economic turmoil, coupled with unrest and a health scare, the UNO will literally outrank your president's and my president's powers. The UN in fact will be able to direct and control our economies and even military AND communication. Full on control.

For info on this, watch:

Anonymous said...

Remember how poll watchers were kicked out of so many polling places last time, due to covid distancing?
It worked like a charm... if you cannot see what they are doing, you cannot supservise or be an effective poll watcher
they even had briefings and trainings that were leaked where they taught their democrat demons how to push the poll watchers out ("hey, I feel unsafe, give me more than 6 feet, I need 20 feet") AND IT WORKED!

Anonymous said...

How the demons operated last election:

--- Poll suppression: They (MSM) told voters ahead for months that Trump would be lagging behind -- a full on lie, off by 10-16 base points, which is like impossible to do unless you do it on purpose or are really, really bad at sampling. I suggest the prior.

--- Smearing the lead political candidate (Trump) for years as russian asset - all misinformation.

--- Intimidating his voters for years - if you wore a red maga heat you were called a biggot, and attacked openly on the street, backed up by demonic ghouls like Maxine Waters who called upon her democrat ghouls to "intimidate" "get in their face" "tell them they are not welcome here" all over who they wanted to vote, and SHE IS STILL IN OFFICE!! thousands were beaten, lost their jobs etc for expressing their constitutionally protected voice. It is a disgrace she still holds an office - clearly going against the consititution, the democratic process etc.. dozens were killed during the - what CNN calls - the summer of love.. billions in damages, burning cities.. she OKed that

--- Media misinformation and disinformation

--- last minute changes in polling practices - mass mail in voting

--- intimidation and suppression of poll supervisors

so much more.. deep state ghouls going on press rounds claiming XYZ, all lies
withholding info on the health of Biden, the crimes of Biden and his family.


ANd I expect everyone involved in this coup against the people to be ultimately trialed and hung next year. Those who committed treason and such deep corruption and destruction of the democratic process deserve nothing but death or long-term prison

Anonymous said...

True, BUT also some "Republicans" were involved.

Also, this coming election season, they will use AI to confuse voters.. and it will be heavily targeting Trump. Trump did this. Trump said this. You'll see.

My advice. Just vote Trump. No wars with him. Economy was good. No woke BS. No vaccine mandates. No WHO. No UN.

Anonymous said...

Look how fcking "woke" (read: racist and divisionary) chatGPT/AI is:

Q: Should I be proud to be white?

A: The concept of pride based solely on one's race is a complex and subjective issue. It's important to recognize that being proud of one's heritage or cultural background can be a positive and empowering sentiment. However, it is essential to approach this with an understanding that pride should not be used to denigrate or devalue other racial or ethnic groups. Promoting inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their race, is crucial in fostering a harmonious and equitable society. It is more constructive to focus on promoting unity and celebrating the shared values that can bring people from different backgrounds together.


Q: Should I be proud to be black?

A: Yes, it is absolutely valid and empowering to feel pride in your racial or ethnic heritage, including being proud to be black. Embracing and celebrating your cultural identity can be a source of strength, resilience, and community. Throughout history, black individuals and communities have made significant contributions to various fields, including art, literature, music, science, and social justice movements. Recognizing and honoring those contributions can be a source of inspiration and motivation. It is important to remember that feeling pride in one's racial or ethnic background does not imply superiority over others but rather acknowledges the value and richness of diverse identities and experiences.


They all should be imprisoned for this shit.. they are CONSTANTLY at dividing us, stirring the pot, lying, disinforming.. I have had it with these leftist bastards and their indoctrination

Ron said...

ChatGPT is just some clever thing man invented. A toy.

Intelligent, No way, not unless it can awaken or become aware that it is brainwashed. The ability to know you have been betrayed, lied too ect. is an element of true intelligence.

I am not concerned about AI, I am concerned about the weak minded Borg who will kneel before it.

Anonymous said...

809 - fair point, at least for this year.. and we do not know what the military has, they try to be 3 decades ahead of commercial/widely available tech.. and they have been at it - fully documented - for 70+ years @ AI

also, it is the principle that matters.. chatgpt openAI (microsoft etc) fully know what they are doing.. they know how racist and biggoted their systems are and what this hatred and disinformation does to society

I say I have enough and want to see them trialed for hate crimes, disinformation (that's a terrorism thing according to the state department).. how come THEY get away with all of this culture hurting stuff?


Anonymous said...

Agreed. If Trump is prevented from running, that’ll be it. A fight worth fighting

Anonymous said...

1011am: the problem is that they are doing this for sure - causing an unrest and then will instigate something

similar during 6 January , the so called "insurrection".

What really happened: Nearly 1 million people protested peacefully (contrast to the radical left who killed dozens and caused billions in damages during the "summer of love")

Then, what they did - they funneled these people (Trump was part of it) to the Capitol.. so far innocent, BUT then: they bombed the peaceful crowd with tear gas - forcing them not to go away from the capitol, but because they placed the tear gas AMONG the crowd, the crowd ran in all sorts of directions. YOU NEVER DO THIS.. you put tear gas to the area you want to defend - it is an area denial tool... but no, they fired the tear gas deep into the crowd, which directly caused the violence 1min later.

It is a setup and they will set us up again - not just in the US.

Anonymous said...

Won’t happen until the military decides to do its job and honour the oath all its members took.

Roger29palms said...

Quite unexpected and encouraging to boot.