Friday, May 19, 2023

UK Defense Secretary Wallace Warns A Global 'Conflict Is Coming'

Wallace (pictured on Thursday) warned that a 'conflict is coming', pointing to how there could be a wider conflict between NATO and Russia in the future as well as the threat posed by a 'rising China' and African extremists

Daily Mail: The world is facing a wider conflict with 'adversaries around the globe' and Russia, China and African extremists all posing a risk, Ben Wallace warns 

* Ben Wallace warned the world is facing a wider conflict by the end of the decade 

* Defence Secretary pointed to risk posed by Russia, China and African jihadists 

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace today warned the world is facing a wider conflict as a range of adversaries around the world - from Russia to China - pose a threat to our future safety. 

Wallace said by the end of the decade, the world will be a 'more dangerous, unstable place' in his starkest warning yet that there could be a World War Three. 

He warned that a 'conflict is coming', pointing to how there could be a wider conflict between NATO and Russia in the future as well as the threat posed by a 'rising China' and African extremists.  

Read more ....  

Update: ‘Conflict is coming,’ UK defense secretary warns (RT)  

WNU Editor: It looks like UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace is positioning himself to get this job .... Ben Wallace says Nato top job ‘would be fantastic’ (Evening Standard).


Anonymous said...

About time

Anonymous said...

Well I hope you sign yup ...thank you for your service

Anonymous said...

Who would want to follow steps of Russia and Ukraine?

NO ONE else want war.

It is either some are just feeling paranoid that a global conflict will occur or some followers of this war that are taking sides with Russia would like to drag the whole world on conflict.

Anonymous said...

Asia can produce armies in the millions

Anonymous said...

uh no--we'd like the preconditions for revolution to obtain

Anonymous said...

Daily Mail? RT? XD

Anonymous said...

Ww2 didnt start almnof sudden but a gradual process. Wht we are witnessing in ukraine is a process like ww2 to ww3. There is nothing new under the sun....