Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Video Emerges Showing U.S. 'Volunteers' Fighting Russian Toops In Ukraine

Newsweek: U.S. Volunteers Clash With Russian Forces in Intense Urban Warfare Video  

New footage circulating online appears to show U.S. volunteers fighting Russian troops in Ukraine under near-constant mortar fire. 

The footage shows soldiers advancing through a smoke-filled urban area with visibly damaged buildings. Faces captured in the footage have been blurred, but dialogue and what appear to be American accents can be heard over the sound of firing in the clips. 

At several points in the footage, the group takes shelter in what looks to be the basement of an abandoned building. 

Newsweek could not independently verify this footage, which was shared on social media by Eastern European outlet Visegrad 24. The outlet did not specify details about the fighters in the video, nor when or where the footage was filmed.  

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WNU Editor:This is not the first time that I have seen videos of Americans fighting in Ukraine. Nor will it be the last.


Anonymous said...

It's a waste for these boys to fight in such unfavorable conditions.

Anonymous said...

What will happen if these idiots enter Russia & fight there. American troops & weapons inside Russia = a US invasion.

fazman said...

They're not American troops

Anonymous said...

volunteers found in Spanish Civil War. That was not the American nation. Those Americans are not silent by the govt of America, so why get nutty about what is volunteer stuff?

Anonymous said...

If they are Americans, I hope they are being paid well. IF they are being paid, who is paying them? If they are not being paid, they are fools who deserve their fate.

Hans Persson said...

Pretty well actually and it's you and me that's paying them. 😊

Anonymous said...

they are volunteers. Now it is possible they are real US military in some sort of disguise but there is no evidence of this and thus they are volunteers and are free to do what they want without restraint by their government.

Anonymous said...

They are foolish regardless of who is paying them. From the scenes in that footage, their life expectancy is probably pretty low.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Russia will set aside a cemetery for all the western volunteers when this is over?

Anonymous said...

Well, Wagner did take care of that one guy. Draped his coffin in an American flag.

In maripol some reports said the ukies were shooting thier volunteers so the could not be captured and interrigated.