Wednesday, September 6, 2023

President Biden Abruptly Walks Out Of The Medal Of Honor Ceremony

WNU Editor: WTF?!?!?!?


Anonymous said...

The close-up on Taylor's puzzled or offended face

RussInSoCal said...

/when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. He couldn't get out of there fast enough. Another insult to the US military.

Hans Persson said...

He probably just pooped he's pants.

Anonymous said...

Needed to pee.......

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely no fan of Biden but Get it right WNU before you post.

Anonymous said...

Stop listening to your msm bs… he literally walked out before the end of ceremony

Anonymous said...

So what

Mr Nobody said...


You sick creep., What do you mean "so what".? A man places his very life in danger, basically offers it up for sacrifice for the nation. He is lucky enough to survive and then lucky enough that someone saw it and submitted the paper work for it.

It is a once in a life time ceremony. All his family is there. The representatives from his state are there. It is broad cast on national TV so the whole country can watch. It is a huge and sacred ceremony. It is a testimony to the Culture and traditions of the United States. Or any country with such a prestigious award.

And then this befuddled addled man , this dim wit this dementia patient, this poor excuse for a competent human being, Joe Biden "just walks out"?

A disgrace. There is NO viable excuse here.

On this one incident,.. ALONE, ... should be cause enough to start removal actions under the 25th amendment for mental disability and the VP take over.

Anonymous said...

Alzheimers reveals a person's core. Democrats called Reagan an amiable dunce in the early 1980s. It was a put down. Reagan died in 2004. All I read abut is last several years of life was that he was amiable. The mental defense having been stripped away by disease and that is what you got.

Same thing is being done to Joe Biden by the disease. What do you get? A mean, nasty, greedy person who calls women "dog-faced, pony soldiers."

That who he is at his core.

Joe Biden calls woman ‘lying dog-faced pony soldier’ at campaign event

Urban Dictionary: Dog faced pony soldier

Jul 13, 2022
Something a moron or idiot says after receiving an unexpected answer to a question idiot: have you ever been to a caucus ? woman: Yes. idiot: No you havent. Youre a lying "dog faced pony soldier" by iambrandon46 July 13, 2022 Get the Dog faced pony soldier mug. dog faced pony soldier

Anonymous said...

Vox btw carried water like the good little goose stepping eichmans that they are.

They wrote that Biden calling someone a dog faced pony soldier was a joke.

Vox did get one thing right. The phrase was inculcated into Biden during his youth.
He learned it. He liked it. He never outgrew it.

Anonymous said...

It is time to realize you are posting bullshit and lies!
you pick up a piece of crap from eight wing and post it as though authentic! ps what did Trump say about hero John McCainhj?
now here is the actual video and see the lies you swallow!!

Captain Larry Taylor's heroic actions on June 18, 1968 that saved four lives during the Vietnam War earned him the award.

WATCH: President Biden awards Medal of Honor to Captain Larry Taylor of Signal Mountain during White House ceremony | Local News |

Anonymous said...

stop believing in the lies you stumble upon that feed your need to belittle the other side, ie Dems!

Trump has how many serious legal charges now lodged against him for insurrection and an attempt to overturn the elections?
that is of no importance?

Anonymous said...

A laser-guided Swedish-supplied RBS-70 portable air-defence system gunned down the Ka-52 Alligator helicopter from a field near the village of Robotyne

Another video shows the aircraft ablaze in a field with black smoke billowing into the sky. A second Russian helicopter - thought to be a Mil Mi-28 - lands close to the wreckage, and appears to inspect the damage before flying off.

Good. We are closer to the end of the war and the Russians leaving. Or we are closer to nuclear war per asshole Russian Major General Alexander Vladimirov.

I will say this. the MI-28 landing next to the downed KA-52 is a gutsy move and speaks well of the pilot. Reckless but still good. SARS

Anonymous said...

The FBI sowed many firebrands into the crowd. It was an FBI directed riots. A couple of weeks later at another planned event the FBI had 50 to hundred or more white boys with crew cuts pretending to be Trump supporters. I hope the 50-ish FBI directors with baby soft skin can recruit enough FBI agents in the future to fight America's wars, because people are not going to join the military to protect a corrupt regime that puts agitators and fire brands in the rallies of political opponents crowd to smear them.

Military recruiting is down and 8:21 is partly to blame. He is such a fuckwad. a useless vato

noun [ C ]

firebrand noun [C] (PERSON)

a person who causes political or social trouble by opposing authority and encouraging others to do so:
He is trying hard to dispel his image as a left-wing firebrand.

Anonymous said...

What is eight wing?

I want to be a part of that, the Eight-Wing Party!

How could they lose!

DinoB said...

Hey, no mean tweets....he didnt need help down wet stairs in dress shoes. He, and his family getting MILLIONS from China, Russia.....and the UKRAINE, hmmm.....fired to worries, this is the leader of the free world!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the (R)esident of the United States skipped out at the 17:40 mark of the Youtube video.

There is only one thing to be said to defend Biden and I will not say it, since the codger has such a light schedule.

Anonymous said...

43 Ka-52 'Alligator' attack helicopter

Number built
Ka-50: 18–19
Ka-52: 196+

~ 20% destroyed.

AMRAAM is coming
Operational range 57 nmi (105 km)

Alligators are on the endangered species list.


Anonymous said...

The Germans and Austrians have a prime minister and a president. The prime minister governs or pretends to and the President does all the ceremonial stuff.

As dire as things are in the world, does POTUS really have time for this ceremonial stuff? Ceremony is important. Sociologist, psychologists, historians, archeologist and just about everyone will tell you so.

Resident Biden with his light schedule has the time, but did he have the correct drug dosage or were the sands I mean the drugs being metabolized and taken out of his system at an alarming rate as we watched? When the last molecule of drug was metabolized, was Biden going to turn back into a pumpkin or a rat?

Anonymous said...

Name the "firebrands" the FBI planted! I dare you
that said, how many pled guilty? why?
Now the nitty gritty:
I do not think Biden walked out as claimed here. see full video.
And: he gave the medal. the recipient teared up. Compare now to Trump calling McCain a Loser because that hero was taken prisoner and refused to leave when he had the chance because he wanted to stay with his men.

Now: Biden walked away abruptly? compare that to Trump who is now charged with stealing top-secret documents and heading up an attempt to overturn an election!

if you can not see the difference you are truly a dummy.

Anonymous said...

Okay Russian troll

Name the "firebrands" the FBI planted! I dare you
that said, how many pled guilty? why

Ray Epps

He was named. He was there. we have seen video. We have heard his words "Get in there". He was on the FBI list and then scrubbed off the list.

Then the was the Black BLM anarchist from Utah who dressed up in a MAGA hat and was supposedly a report.

"FBI reportedly had up to eight informants in the Proud Boys on Jan 6" - Yahoo

You keep pressing and the admit more and more

Fred does not write too much anymore and you write too well to be Fred.

So take your Russian TRoLL ASs and GTF out of here.

Oh I watched the full video. It is why I said look at the 17:40 mark of the 21 minute video you dumbass.

I got to spend about an hour watching Russian AFVs, trucks, artillery and helicopters getting blown up. I'll pretend it is you and not some undeserving Russians pressed into service against their will.

Anonymous said...

"dummy" lololololololol!

Anonymous said...

RayEpps NOT some reading!

A judge Tuesday sentenced the former chairman of the far-right extremist group who wanted a “revolution” to 22 years in federal prison for seditious conspiracy. It’s the longest sentence for any Jan. 6 defendant so far. And it’s fitting for a man who prosecutors said acted as “a general rather than a soldier” when a mob stormed the seat of our government, attempting to steal a legitimate election on behalf of Donald Trump and attacking democracy in the process. Yes, Trump incited the assault on Congress — and encouraged the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” in 2020 — but Tarrio was instrumental in carrying it out. That’s what a jury decided in May, when Tarrio and three others in his ill-begotten group were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

Read more at:

fred said...

Recordings released to defense lawyers directly challenge assertions by prominent Republicans that an Arizona man named Ray Epps was a federal informant and helped start the Capitol riot.:

Ray Epps Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory Undercut by New Evidence
do some real reading instead of spilling bullshit you pick up from other bullshit sites.

Anonymous said...

He didn't just walk out. Check the YouTube link posted above. 👍🏻

Anonymous said...

Jeremy Brown is a Green Beret and former Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. Brown served in the United States Army from 1992 to 2012 and reached the rank of Special Forces Master Sergeant.

Jeremy Brown NEVER entered the US Capitol on January 6. His actual crime was refusing to be an FBI informant as we describe below.

Not only did Jeremy refuse to work as an FBI informant on January 6th, he went public with photos and audio of the conversations he had with agents.

The FBI harassing Jeremy Brown is exactly like watching an engineered train wreck in slow motion.

Mr. Brown was not a presidential candidate. Yet his treatment is just shy of that meted out to Navalny. You knew the presidential election and later any protest were going to be bad by looking how the FBI treated Mr. Brown.

The treatment of Jeremy Brown has all the hallmarks of a police state.

Anonymous said...

Ray Epps is on tape telling people to "get in there"

1) Is that the role of an informant?


2) Or if he is not an informant, why is he not arrested?

Fred you are full of shit. People like you are why many no longer consider college education a good investment.

Facts never matter to Fred. If the New York Times prints that China is not going to build 3000 more coal plants. He believes it, hook, line and stinker. Believe me, Fred is a stinker.

China is building six times more new coal plants than other countries, report finds

Fred does not know what 6X means.

China’s coal power spree could see over 300 coal plants added before emissions peak

When you ask Fred why the US should cut back on oil, coal and natural gas, Fred says China is cutting back too. But they are not. Fred is either stupid, a liar or high on liberal religion.

Personally, I think the guy is stupid. He is barely house broke and cannot count.

How to account for his success. Fred can ingratiate himself with the ingroup. It is his one strength. Like I said the guy cannot count, but he does have an accountant.

Anonymous said...

Ray Epps
John Sullivan
James Knowles

There is three.

Anonymous said...

"China permitted more coal power plants last year than any time in the last seven years, according to a new report released this week. It's the equivalent of about two new coal power plants per week."

But The Creeper said Climate change Emergency.

Maybe Fred does not understand what two per week means?

Two is a small number, LOL!

So how can that hurt?

Does Fred understand rates, or rate of change? That is a harder concept than counting. No, it is safe to say Fred does not understand rates.

Anonymous said...


Hey this is your favorite Russian troll

Advice. Do not try arguing with this guy about the fake insurrection bs. He knows nothing of history and would not know Ian insurrection if it jumped up and slapped him in the face.

A waste of time. This idiot is a Bolb brain washed ideologue. He is like those old time commies spouting off crap when they knew it was all lies.


Any way. See you around.

Anonymous said...

Fred: Runaway, run away, ...

Anonymous said...

A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that Donald Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about the writer E. Jean Carroll in 2019 when she went public with claims he had raped her decades earlier.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, as part of that ruling, said that the upcoming trial for Carroll’s civil lawsuit against Trump will only deal with the question of how much the former president should pay her in monetary damages for defaming her.

Normally, a jury would determine at trial whether a defendant is liable for civil damages claimed by a plaintiff.

But Kaplan found that Carroll was entitled to a partial summary judgment on the question of Trump’s liability in the case because jurors at a trial in a separate, but related lawsuit in May found that Trump had sexually abused Carroll in a New York department store in the mid-1990s, and had defamed in statements he made as he denied her allegation last fall.

Carroll’s lawyers had argued, and Kaplan agreed Wednesday, that the jury’s verdict in that case effectively settled the legal question of whether Trump had defamed her in similar comments he made about Carroll in 2019.

The 25-page decision in U.S. District Court in Manhattan is the latest in a series of big losses for Trump in lawsuits filed by Carroll.
CNBC Politics

At the trial which ended in May, Trump was ordered to pay Carroll $5 million in damages for the comments he made after he was president.

The suit that was the subject of Kaplan’s ruling Wednesday relates to statements about Carroll that Trump made when he was president as he denied her claim of rape.

Trial in the case is set to begin on Jan. 15.

Anonymous said...

tossing out names is not the same as proving evidence for your claim!!

Anonymous said...

Fred posted at 11:24
Fred posted at 11:25

Take 11:15 first. Youasked at 9:12 to name names. idid

"Name the "firebrands" the FBI planted! I dare you"

I named Ray Epps for one. You immediately went to a TPM memo/article. Well, I heard on video tape what that bastard Ray Epps said. I can call Ray Epps a bastard, because (a) he is a public figure and (b) he is a bastard.

Ray Epps: Viral video shows ex-marine urging Jan 6 crowd to storm Capitol

Ray Epps can challenge me mano a mano, if he is upset that I refer to him as a bastard, and I would accept. We could have a legal cage match for charity.

So I started meeting your demands and you immediately moved the goal posts like bitch.

Now 11:24.

Classic Fred. Passively/Aggressively copy and paste a whole article without comment. Most people will link or post a snippet and write about how it supports their thesis. It is odd the a high and mighty English Professor nay English Department Head cannot write a thesis supporting his arguments. No, he cannot do that. All he has are copy and paste subroutines.

Anonymous said...

Ray Epps whispered something into the ear of Ryan Samsel.

What did he say? I'll give you a BJ, if you knock over that policeman?

Anonymous said...

See skods. 1148 is a hopeless idiot. When he cannot defend his argument , he responds with stupid comments.

Anonymous said...

A New York judge—unmoved by the incessant pleas from Donald Trump’s legal team to delay trial—made quick work of the former president’s last-minute request Tuesday night to push back his first big upcoming trial for bank and tax fraud. On Wednesday morning, Justice Arthur F. Engoron pulled out a pen and scribbled a nine-word remark at the bottom of the draft order that Trump’s lawyers wanted him to sign, rejecting it outright. “Decline to sign; Defendants’ arguments are completely without merit,” Engoron wrote, signing it with his trademark ligature “Æ.” The Trump family is now less than four weeks away from the start of a monumental civil trial in which AG Letitia James seeks to siphon at least $250 million away from the Trump Organization over accusations that it routinely inflated asset values and lied on official paperwork.

Anonymous said...

tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

When a person campaigns to be a prosecutor on the platform of getting a political figure, all of the their prosecution are suspect at best and illegal at worst.

Letitia's campaign speeches are known.

Are you a Russian troll or a Democrat partisan idiot? Does it make a difference? Is there a difference? there might be. the Russian troll would know two languages. I would judge them to more intelligent and more honest. Sure they are partisan, but they are not like some Democrat who stabs their fellow citizen in the back.

All it tells me is to make like Nicholas or a Spaniard in Amsterdam.

Anonymous said...

Thing is on the commercial world. You sue when you lose money. None of the banks is suing and none of them lost money. they earned interest on the money they lent.

But somehow Big Girl Letitia has taken it on herself to help out those poor, little banks with those offices filled with lawyers.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

A) I watched the video. I remarked at which minute and second Creepy Joe walked away. So what is the point of provide a video link again? to dun us? to beat us into submission until we see it your fcked-up way?

As an aside I relieved that Creepy Joe didn't sniff the awardee.

B) What is the point of ALL CAPS. Does it make your argument more true? Are you having a hissy fit? Are you going through male menopause?

If the latter here is a link to the Mayo clinic for you.

Why You Should Not Leave a Church Service Before the Benediction

Secular ceremonies are similar. You do not skip out before the benediction or closing words.

Well, I guess you do if you are trying to do better than 40% vacation while in office.

Anonymous said...

What are these strange words, atched and episoode?

Anonymous said...

Episoode sounds vaguely Dutch. Are you Dutch?

Anonymous said...

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the reason President Joe Biden left a Medal of Honor recipient’s ceremony early was to “minimize his close contact with attendees.”

Cuz COVID ...

If you immune system is that rickety, perhaps you should not be president?

Anonymous said...

uh yes he did

Anonymous said...

"...because he has the new explosive-diarrhea strain of Salmonellid-23, quite often deadly to the many Reptilians gathered alongside the normal humans."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He clearly have Taylor the stage. Shush