Friday, November 17, 2023

Is The Western Media Narrative That Russia Is Losing The Ukraine War Starting To Shift?

Eugene Rumer and Andrew S. Weiss, Wall Street Journal: It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat 

Putin has withstood the West’s best efforts to reverse his invasion of Ukraine, and his hold on power is firm. The U.S. and its allies need a new strategy: containment. 

As Russian President Vladimir Putin looks toward the second anniversary of his all-out assault on Ukraine, his self-confidence is hard to miss. A much-anticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive has not achieved the breakthrough that would give Kyiv a strong hand to negotiate. Tumult in the Middle East dominates the headlines, and bipartisan support for Ukraine in the U.S. has been upended by polarization and dysfunction in Congress, not to mention the pro-Putin leanings of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

 Putin has reason to believe that time is on his side. At the front line, there are no indications that Russia is losing what has become a war of attrition. The Russian economy has been buffeted, but it is not in tatters. Putin’s hold on power was, paradoxically, strengthened following Yevgeny Prigozhin’s failed rebellion in June. Popular support for the war remains solid, and elite backing for Putin has not fractured.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: MSM Admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later (Zero Hedge)  

Update #2: End ‘magical thinking’ about defeating Russia – US experts (RT)  

WNU Editor: It only took 20 months for the Wall Street Journal to admit what WNU has been saying since the start of the war. Russia is not going to lose this war. Sighhh .... better late than never.


Anonymous said...

So many Ukranians (and Russians!) died because of the lies of the MSM

When is it enough?

Is main stream media some holy untouchable body? NO!

All the wars
The lies
The drugs
the vaccines
the theft and corruption

The mainstream media was meant to act as 4th column. They have failed us miserably.

The WORST offenders are

New York Times - so many lies.. cannot even count them.. in the thousands.. russia hoax, pee tape, wars, china, russia, iran, obama, fast & furious, cavanaugh.. it's endless

NYT == Pravda

CNN is just as worse, slightly better but still terrible and should be shut down is the WaPo and NPR.

Anonymous said...

The WSJ was relentlessly cheerleading for Ukraine’s inevitable victory in 2022. One of the reasons I cancelled. The other was the flame wars I had with subscribers. I pointed out ukraine doesnt have the man power, wealth, defense industries, natural resources that russia has. So Ukraine best negotiate a peace asap. People called me a Putin loving, MAGA rat Trump loving asshole.

Hans Persson said...

Its not over yet you gloating f*cks. Just because we were right doesn't mean its a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything Hans says except, it is not clear Ukraine is losing.

I will be looking to the 19th. I will follow Kazakhstan's stance.

Anonymous said...

not gloating at all.

The last year has been a painful process of trying to make people see that the MSM BLOBBER NEOCON narrative was crap.

So yes it has been an ugly , in your face battle to make people understand that they have been lied to. So now the end comes , and it is not..... see we told you is..... we just wish you would have listened.

like bengahzi
Like Trump collusion putin
Like covid
like we have no one in syria
like weapons of mass destruction
like we are winning in Afghanistan.

The whole Ukrainian narrative was a CIA/ NED/ USAID Progressive liberal NEOCON operation. From before Mandan and the color revolution which the American people paid 5 billion dollars of influence money (according to Vicky nulland)

To the Mandan square agitation and insurrection operation .

To the anti Russian cultural ethnic cleansing campaign, that led to Donbass breaking away, that led to this current war.

For the last 8 years Ukraine has been manipulated thru American Money and material influence into a culture war with the russians which has led this war.

And where are these neocon monsters now that Ukraine needs them most? SEE,,.. like the selfish vampire Squid they are, they are abandoning the Ukrainians.

It is sick

So who is to Blame for over 500,000 dead , over a million wounded and the Ukrainian economy and industrial base being destroyed?

The United States America.

Like a bully in a school yard,. The bully sent his minion over to cause trouble and harass a young man. But when the young man started to beat the hell out of the minion, the bully laughed and walked away.

That what this is about Hans. NOT F'KING gloating at all

Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with gloating but everything to do with the 100s of thousands of lives ended even more permanently disabled a country in ruins millions displaced and all this for the enrichment of a certain parasitical element in our society

Anonymous said...

👍 well said

Hans Persson said...

Fair enough.

Anonymous said...

11:29 is a NAZI and scum.

The people of Mariupol from a human chain in the last days of the war in 2014. They are not some parasitical scum.

Be careful said...

Mostly it was the vaccinated .that believed Ukraine was going to win

Anonymous said...

AKA people who have been subjected to ZOG propaganda their entire adult lives. Hate the misguiders, not the misguided.

Anonymous said...

7:36 PM asks: "So who is to Blame for over 500,000 dead , over a million wounded and the Ukrainian economy and industrial base being destroyed? The United States America"

You're leaving out Great Britain and its master, the Bank of England, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

11:29 PM: "a certain parasitical element in our society"

You're crazy, black people have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine!