Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Reports Say the Biden Administration Is Preparing To Approve A Sanctions Waiver Of $10 Billion For Iran

(Mark Segar and Leah Millis/Reuters)  

Washington Free Beacon: Biden Mulls Approval of Fresh $10 Billion for Iran  

Sanctions waiver frees up money for Tehran as it funds Hamas’s war on Israel 

The Biden administration may approve a sanctions waiver on Tuesday that will allow Iran to access at least $10 billion in previously frozen funds held in Iraq, a closely watched decision that comes just a month after the Tehran-backed terror group Hamas launched an attack on Israel that left 1,200 dead.  

Read more ....  

Update: Reports: US Planning to Unfreeze Another $10 Billion in Iranian Deposits (Jewish Press)  

WNU Editor: The White House is refusing to acknowledge or refute these claims (see video below). 


MR Nobody said...

WNU Editor

Are you tracking and what is you opinion?

Today there are reports circulating that the Ukrainian MOD is firing three more Generals. Recall that last week the Head of the Ukrainian army SF was fired.

now we have the report....

Since the summer, Europeans have been actively discussing the topic of corruption in the highest echelons of power in Ukraine. The Stratfor company conducted its measurements among top officials of the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Turkey, EU, UAE, Saudi Arabia on the topic “how would you feel about the forceful scenario of the departure of President V. Zelensky and his entourage?” The data showed that if the loss of Zelensky at the head of Ukraine leads to a long-term settlement of the Ukrainian-Russian armed conflict, 62% are ready to allow such a solution to the issue.

Because General z has pushed to go on the defense (most logical). And zelinski says no peace, and we must attack. There is a significant divide.

There is also the unresolved issue of: Who is going to be the "fall guy" for the huge losses of this war and the failed offensive of this summer.

As one gentleman said. The knives are coming out.

The latest opinions are that zelinski sees General Z as a threat. And is working now to undermine him and any who are loyal to him.

Yermak is in the US for some odd reason and next week CIA Burns visits the Ukraine.

Sounds like the power struggle is heating up.

Anonymous said...

And just like that the US will then experience a surge of Iranian backed attacks. Just like it has each time more money has been given to the Iranians.

Matthew Putnam said...

Another exhibition grade example where democrats dont understand that money is fungible and how national security works. What else can you expect from people who always get Economics, gender, climate, racism, morality, role of government, and basically everything else totally wrong. That party platform is about as unpredictable and fluid as the green haired yeasty marxist cunts that vote for it. At least they are able to politically stir up their hive to their advantage, unlike those basic and slow republicans missing every opportunity the left gives them. The rules of the game changed years ago. Unreal.

Anonymous said...

This is pocket change. Biden and the Obama graduates in the White House have done far worse. they eased up the sanctions so the Mullahs make billions each week.

This says everything about the morals and intelligence of Blinken, Sullivan and others.

American troops have been droned and rocketed around 50 times since October 10th. With the tech of a decade ago there would have been numerous deaths instead of just casualties. Are they using to protect bases? IDK. They could have used Vulcan phalanxes to protect bases for the last 4 decades Downside to that is what goes up must come down so the ordinance used to shoot done drone, missiles and rockets would invariably inflict collateral civilian casualties. They have anti-drone guns. those are probably used.

John Catsimatidis opined on November 13, 2023 that he thinks that the 5 spec ops guys were shot down. that would probably be by Hezbollah, which is an Iranian ally and creation.
Iran has attacked US troops directly using the IRGC and indirectly using militias.

So instead of hurting Iran or its allies the Biden REGIME and it is a REGIME attacks a few warehouses and wants to free up Iranian money.

Political campaigns do not want October surprises or bad news during election year. UBS Bank signaled that interest rate were coming down 275 basis point in several months. that would be around March just in time for the peak of primary season. That would be good for Puppet Joe. Will it be good enough? Why would rates be going down? Because? Yeah, Joe needs to be re-selected.

However, the attacks by the Mullahs will not stop, so there will be bad news whether Sullivan, Blinken and other toadies want it or not.

(Insert string of expletives here)

Anonymous said...

The liberals are paying off the Iranians to leave them alone in the region 😂. It’s bad PR to have your troops bombed and droned before an election