Monday, November 6, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War -- News Updates November 6, 2023


 Businesss Insider: Zelenskyy slams commanders after airstrike kills troops during ceremony 

* Ukrainian troops were hit by a Russian airstrike during an open-air award ceremony, according to reports. 

* In a social media video, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy accused military commanders of "negligence." 

* Defense Minister Rustem Umerov is now investigating the incident, Zelenskyy said. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy slammed military commanders for "negligence" after Ukrainian soldiers died in a Russian airstrike late last week. 

In a video published on social media X on Sunday, Zelenskyy said that an unspecified number of soldiers from the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade were killed in Ukraine's southern Zaporizhzhia oblast. 

The troops were celebrating Artillery Day at an open-air award ceremony, per the Ukrainian outlet Ukrainska Pravda.  

Read more .... 

Russia - Ukraine War -- News Updates November 6, 2023 

Kyiv ‘outraged’ over attack on Odesa’s National Art Museum; ex-Wagner fighters training in Chechnya – as it happened -- The Guardian  

Ukraine updates: Kyiv decries awards ceremony deaths -- DW

Embezzlement investigation in Ukraine, Russia tries to retake southern village, Odesa museum hit -- Euronews  

Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 621 -- The Guardian  

Ukrainian officers investigated for holding awards ceremony struck by Russia, killing 19 soldiers -- AP  

Moscow bombs Odesa after Ukraine destroys Russian warship in Crimea --  

Russia's biggest drone strike in weeks hits Ukrainian infrastructure -- Reuters 

Ukraine war: Russia launches biggest drone attack in weeks -- Euronews  

Ukraine's Zelensky 'not ready' for talks with Moscow unless troops withdraw -- France 24  

Ukraine war: Military chiefs in Kyiv under pressure over deadly Russian strike -- BBC  

Ukraine says it struck brand-new Russia missile carrier in Black Sea -- Business Insider  

Zelensky admits Ukraine’s backers talking to Russia -- RT 

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says war complicates plans for 2024 elections -- Al Jazeera  

8,000 Ukrainians face criminal charges for evading draft – media -- RT  

EU weighs advancing Ukraine's membership bid as Russia war drags on -- France 24  

Evidence mounts of North Korean arms to Russia in threat for Ukraine -- The Guardian


Anonymous said...

Nice Zelensky has officially lost it!

Anonymous said...

Asshole Russians!

The cannon fodder has become self-aware.

Russia's 70th Regiment at the Zaporizhia front with a video appeal that their 80 surviving guys have only one vehicle and that "Ukrainian nationalists" are hitting them with modern weapons.

They urgently ask for equipment and drones.

Notice anything? They look Asian. Coincidence?
Putin and all the lily white Russians are willing to fight until the last person of Turkic or Mongolic stock dies.

Do not point to Shogui. Y'all know he is Putin's house n_gg_h.

Is this why the president of Kazakhstan has repeated given Putin the cold shoulder the past 2 years?

Deep down inside is WNU a raging racist?

Anonymous said...

6:37 is just dumb. No other way to put it. Unless he gets hit by assassins, he knows he is safe. If there is an unfavorable peace he can leave for the US.

So he is not losing it over his own life. If he is losing it, it is because Putin is sending wave after wave of Central Asians, prisoners, Chechnyans and people on the lower socioecpnomic rungs to slaughter as many Ukrainians as they can. and Putin has barrier troops just like Uncle Joe (Stalin)

3 platoons make a company.
3 companies make a battalion.
3 battalions make a regiment.

80 men make about 2 platoons.

So 2 our 27 platoons survived. 7%

Not to worry. The little spy with the bad haircut as 3 regiments to replace them.

Meanwhile vatniks crow like roosters on the internet. Very Brave!

Anonymous said...

Hey skods, being kind negative here rant you? . But you got to admit zelinski has been acting a little weird lately.

But also , Though you fanatically support the ukie cause I sure do not see you out there. You are not related to benny are you? He kept his kid at home too.

So you are not any better than them. Not that I am going anytime soon either. I understand that VDV opening is still available. Have you made up your mind yet?

So any way, on a larger scale, looks like the Ukrainians are shot. The offensive died in the mud and the rest of the gang is not going anywhere fast.

As for the ukie unit that got hit in the open, crap like that does happen in war time. I mean, you remember that russian unit that got hit on the beach a few months back? Yep it's ugly out there.

Also do you really think the ukies still got a chance to win this one? I am a skeptic. General Zs article did not alleviate any of my skepticism either.

I saw the post you wrote about people getting sent to camps. Told you skods: Me, you and Matt, we all get a front row seat at Manzanar. It wont be long now. Give it about 3 years, 5 years max.
I hope things are going your way


Anonymous said...

When things break apart, hopefully Zaluzhniy will be there to get rid of Zelensky, surrender, and handle the post-war. A real General Lee.

Anonymous said...

Now WNU has Afrika disease. Most people do not comment in posts about Afrika. Now WNU is not posting about Afrika? Id it because that Wagner is getting pwned?

This is a serious turn of events. People, who complete a contract and go on to work for Wagner, are actually a recruiting tool for the MoD.

The money is good. The Wagnerites obviously survived their contact and are now kicking it as valued PMCs. Valued by Wagner. Valued by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

I'll admit I was slow on this one.

Anonymous said...

What kind of disease you talking about skods? malaria, dengue fever or that ever favorite tse fly sleeping sickness, and do not forget ebola!

Anonymous said...


You are back! Must have been a long cruise. I hope you put a smile on your bosses' faces.

Treelines and isohyets are not the only thing to look at. One interesting thing is the corn line. Corn informs me of the history of warfare between the Iroquois and Algonquin. It also tells me if politicians and scientists are lying. There are other lines such as wheat and and rye. Wheat and rye tells about class. Don't worry you don't have any.

In Canada they cheat. They kill their wheat. Seriously, you should check it out if they cheat in Russia too. Of course wheat killing won't harm one pretty cell in your disgusting body, but ... you should pay attention. I told you the truth there.

Ebola is a problem. Terrific kill rate. African funerary cultural practice have had a large part to do with the spread and kill rate. Ebola has been knocking about for hundreds of years or maybe since man came down from the trees. Look at a molecular clock. They are not as good as advertised, but they can tell you something.

Up until this week I thought that African had an allele that made them resistant to dengue. I found our that is probably not true. Still if you move to a different region that is different than your own, it pays to marry into the locals.

About dengue and the scare story of the week, follow the money. There are library districts, school districts, levee districts, park districts ... and mosquito abatement districts. Abatement districts are not sexy.

Between Democrats' imports for voting purposes and Rachel Carlsen things will get worse. the Chinese and Russians will fund various fringe and not so fringe groups to stir the pot. then they have cucks and pillow biters like you.

No, when I said I was slow it was not in relation to disease vectors such as you or dengue fever.

No, i was thinking of the back end of a dog and how it could happen.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The cannon fodder has become self-aware.

Russia's 70th Regiment at the Zaporizhia front with a video appeal that their 80 surviving guys have only one vehicle and that "Ukrainian nationalists" are hitting them with modern weapons.

"They urgently ask for equipment and drones."

1 vehicle

1 vehicle makes going to the corner supermarket for food challenging. Oh wait, they deported the grocer to a gulag to be re-edumacated.

1 vehicle to run down to Crimea and bring back groceries.

Do those guys look skinny? They do not. Not yet. If it is anything like TWD the houses and businesses have already been raided.

Anonymous said...

Gee skods you are all full of yourself aren't you? Still rambling away with sprinkles of homosexual fixations included. Oh well, another day on the blog.

Anyway , no worries , I am here to keep you straight and on task.

So I went you link and I am sorry to say that I am not impressed, I mean "Jay in Kyiv". Really? Not one post on Russian accomplishments. It is all the russians are dying and the glorious Ukraine army is conquering all. This guy is an ideologue. Sorry to disappoint you, but you want me to lie to you?

No skods old buddy not going t do that. That guy is about as smart as a hog on ice. I bet he is a progressive liberal who wants to be a hipster and that is why he is in Kiev and not on the front lines. No guts , just all green screen, just like Obama.

But like I said The war, is not going well for the Ukies and that means... No matter what the corn or wheat says!!

Now back to my question which you overlooked. Do you actually think the ukies are going to with, wait for it.....WITHOUT NATO INTERVENTION?

I do not see it. But would like you opinion. But when you do, Go into detail. Are they going to get a rouge nuke to but thru the defence or launch a surprise attack fro the North Pole.? Tell us exactly , in detail, "HOW are the ukies going to win?

And I will define wining

Wining in the Ukraine From the Ukie prospective

a. Regain all lost territory since the start of the invasion
b. Regain the Crimea
c. Russians have to pay reparation s for the war damage.

These are the three major goals.. of Ukrainian Victory,

So how are they going to achieve them?

Will be awaiting your reply...AND DON"T CHICKEN OUT on me here!! Send a reply.

Anonymous said...

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who arrived in Turkey tonight on board a C-17A Globemaster III military transport aircraft, was met only by the Deputy Governor of Ankara.
No other officials.

Po' thang!

Anonymous said...

What do you get when you put lipstick on a vatnik?

Someone who is not a mobik for another day.

Anonymous said...


Well there ya go , another day, another case of Skoda chickening out. All you can do is hurl insults and talk about vatniks? The is bad skoda, we will start to think that you have the IQ of a turnip.

I guess your non reply means that the Ukies are going to lose. As it should be. I mean the Ukrainian government's position really is anti- Christian and progressively liberal.

When the war is over I bet most of those Ukrainian pervs who push that crap will be kicked out or put in jail...most likely they will flee with their suitcases full of cash and add more pain to the poison brew that has become western society.

But those In the re-established Russian territories will be ok. That economy is growing, the church is flourishing . And all your little snippets of Russian doom are coming to not. From reports in Crimea and from Mariupol, things are going really good now that the Ukies have been kicked out.

But if you change your mind, I will forgive you of your moment of weakness and descent into cowardice, and you can find redemption by sending the DETAILED reply of how the ukies are going to win.

Have a great day

Anonymous said...

The Russian climber's ascent to the waste heap did not go well

Comrade Swaggerbutt, you need to replace this hero. He heroically put observation equipment on the peak. The ukies will destroy it. so new equipment must be erected.

You Komrade Swagger butt must take his place and out new observation equipment on top of the hill!

Anonymous said...

The brand new heavily-armed Russian corvette Askold is confirmed to have been badly damaged in new imagery after a Ukrainian missile attack.

Anonymous said...

a big part of this is that Russia can't really use any of the large dry docks or shipyards any more, because any ship that is stationary over time becomes a target. (Also the docks are filled with wreckage atm)

No repairs or refits for any ship in the fleet will start to affect their readiness in a good (for us) way.

Anonymous said...

"In extension to your post, I have a suspicion that it was targeted as they were reloading it increasing the probability of a cook off with a chance of more ammo on the dockside as well as increase in personnel losses both ships crew and trained techs onshore. Difficult to replace the crew and infrastructure. Ukr is making all the Crimea coast and the Sea of Azov untenable for a belligerent navy."

So was the attack on the Askold timed for a maximum crew and dock worker kill? It was during working hours.

Need a new ship
Need new sailors for the new ship
Need new shipyard workers

How many longshoremen want to work the military docks instead of the civilian ones?

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful job by Ukraine! Russia is going down, literally, in history as the only major naval power to be swept from the sea by a country that has no major combatant ships. The rest of the world's navies had better take note of this lesson.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Ukraine gets compensation for the damage done to their cruise missile, the boat was illegally parked, wasn't even in the right country.

Anonymous said...

One of the funniest parts of this war was the Ukrainian government sending Russia a notice of demolition of the Kerch bridge for not getting the proper permits.

Anonymous said...

Now that was the right way to christen the newest member of Russia's Future Submarine Fleet.

Anonymous said...

Russia: "It doesn't count as destroyed warship since it wasn't commissioned."

Anonymous said...


You realize that you are digging yourself into a hole.

Your failure to reply to the issue and your subsequential posting of nothing but insults, only serves to de-legitimize you as a poster.

But worse than that. it de- legitimizes the idea that Ukraine CAN win the war.

Because if you had a path of victory for Ukraine, you would post it. Since you refuse to address the issue of obtainment of victory, by implication, means that you have no idea of how the ukies are going to win. Being the ukie fanatic that you are, you would not hesitate to pontificate on such a victory plan, if you knew of one.

Therefore, Your pithy daily comments on small Russian losses mean nothing, because the Russians, in the end, are going to win this war.

So as a reminder I will follow the example of Cato the Elder and finish all future posts to you with.


As a message that we are still waiting for a victory plan from you.

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

That big ship under construction behind the corvette is one of the two amphibious assault ships Russia is building to replaced the Mistrals France cancelled. Has anyone been able to find satellite images to see if she got damaged also?

Wait until it's nearly ready for launch and Russia has poured resources into it.

Corvette is probably a higher-value target as it can launch Kalibrs. Those helo carriers ... aside from the fact that Russian choppers have been on the chopping block, they've got decent CIWS defenses on paper but we've seen how things like Pantsir haven't had a spectacular record. If the Russians are dumb enough to load them up and try anything off Ukraine's coast, they're big fat targets.

On top of that, those amphibs are taking up yard space that the Russians could use for repairing more relevant ships, and Wikipedia at least lists their estimated launch dates as 2028 and 2029.

Anonymous said...

and the asshole of the day is----
9:48 AM

Anonymous said...

keep it up buddy!!

Ukraine Will be defeated!