Saturday, November 25, 2023

Ukrainian Politician Who Led Kiev’s Peace Delegation To Istanbul During Peace Talks With Russia Admits The War Could Have Ended In March Of 2022

RT: Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022 – Kiev’s top MP  

David Arakhamia led Kiev’s delegation in the talks with Moscow 

Russia was ready to stop the fighting had Ukraine agreed to remain neutral, but the West advised Kiev to keep going, the head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s parliamentary faction – and the chief negotiator at the peace talks in Istanbul – David Arakhamia admitted on Friday. 

Arakhamia, who heads the ‘Servant of the People’ parliamentary group, told the TV channel 1+1 that Moscow had offered Kiev a peace deal in March 2022, but the Ukrainian side did not trust Russia.  

Read more ....  

Update: Boris Johnson derailed Ukraine peace deal – key Zelensky ally (RT)  

WNU Editor: For me (and for long time readers of this blog) the above admission by David Arakhamia that a draft peace agreement was signed with Russia in March of 2022 to end the war is not a surprise. But listening to him in the above video admitting it publicly for the first time is just making my blood boil. 

This war could have ended in 2022, and on terms that I know Kyiv would be grab in a heartbeat if they were offered today. Instead we now have a minimum of 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers dead, hundreds of thousands wounded, millions of people dislocated, and a destroyed economy that will owe the West hundreds of billions (if not more) when it is finally over. 

This admission from David Arakhamia is also telling me that there is now shift in Kyiv among some of its political leaders that a new approach and strategy must be formulated. That the focus should now be on ending the war and not continuing it as Zelensky and others want to do. 

Unfortunately. I know it is too late to negotiate with Moscow. Tens of thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed in this war, and many more wounded. The Kremlin has made it very clear since this summer that they are not going to dishonor these men by agreeing to terms that will only open the door to future wars and conflicts. Bottom line. This war will now only end on Russia's unconditional terms.


Anonymous said...

Typo...hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers dead

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the US/EU coalition and the sellouts in the ukranian gov.

Anonymous said...

Could of. BS. It didn't

Hans Persson said...

Editor, what is your wants in this war? I'm having trouble deciding if you're just bored and thats why your pro-russian side stands out right now.

Do you want the russians to win or do you want the Ukies to loose? Thats basically all ive seen since the start of this war. I have never seen you utter something positive for the Ukie side. Or are you just realistic and just want Russia to win faster?

Just so you know, I have a long attentionspan.

Anonymous said...

Ok here is the opposite side Hans

The editor, who has more insight or maybe more military experience sees the same thing I have seen since the beginning of the war.

This war was not the Ukrainian's war to win

It was the Russians to war to lose.

And the russians almost lost it and might have done so, if the west had given the Ukies a sufficient air force and sufficient indirect fire assets. But the west did not.

This summers ukie offensive was the end of the line. So now, it was not if the Ukrainians are going to lose but the only question remains is "by when".

The editor is right, BOJO and the west screwed the Ukies when they scuppered the peace treaty. Now there has been too much blood spilled and the Russians know time is on thier side.

So it is not a matter of who you want to win. Just like a the sun rising every morning. It is not a matter of "what you want" it is a matter of hard reality.

The West knows this and so does the Ukrainian leadership. Everyday this war is prolonged every life lost is a waste and Everyone who realizes this needs to be angry.

And seeing girls dead in Ukie trenches makes my blood boil. The Ukrainians are a bunch of degenerates and thugs for putting them in harms way.

Mr Nobody said...

An addition. 08:59hrs that was my post

MR Nobody

Anonymous said...

Putin gets his land bridge All of Donbas and Putin looks like a genius.

Putin took stock of Russian forces.
Putin took stock of Ukrainian forces.
Putin took stock if Ukrainians and NATO leadership.
Putin took stock of all that and miscalculated. The result was, as we all know, war.

The cost in people, infrastructure, GDP, or opportunity cost to any country Russia, Ukraine, NATO countries, etc is all on him. He started the war; he invaded.

Mr. Nobody is just that a Mr. Nobody troll except in the halls of an FSB building. A puta POS.

"seeing girls dead in Ukie trenches makes my quim quiver " - Mr. Nobody

Mr. Nobody Troll, who uses the same vocabulary as another troll is outraged when women fight for Ukrainian, but not when women sign up to be medics or snipers for Russia. Does Mr. Nobody acknowledge that sniper is a frontline job. That is it the tip of the spear? Does me. Nobody get hot and flushed when thinking of female Russian snipers? No. Call them girl Russian snipers and then watch his quim go into overtime.

Ukraine captures female sniper who killed 40 in Russian invasion
"A female Russian sniper allegedly responsible for killing 40 Ukrainian people has been captured after she was left to die by her fellow fighters."

Mr. Nobody's call sign is Blobber Butt, because he is always blubbering about something.
It makes for good reading on the shitter.

#Holodomor is the genocide of the Ukrainian nation, perpetrated by the leadership of the USSR led by Joseph Stalin through an artificially created mass famine with the aim of destroying Ukrainians.

Mr. Nobody better not look at the link. There is girl .. and she died and Mr. Nobody might get excited.

Anonymous said...

Abramovich, Ukrainian diplomats suffer poisoning symptoms after meeting with Russian peace negotiators

"Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and Ukrainian diplomats suffered poisoning symptoms after they met with Russian peace negotiators, it’s been claimed."

Putin cannot stop being a spy for one minute.

Anonymous said...

Fatboy Budanov was dragging the negotiators out into the streets in front of their homes and shooting them in the head. What makes this guy think that he's so untouchable that he can make statements like this without the getting the same treatment. Rest in peace.

War News Updates Editor said...


I want the war to end. Because I know that if it does not, the destruction that we have see so far is going to be amplified many times more in the next two years.

The end is also not in doubt. Russia has already won the war.

The allies alrady knew in 1944 that they were going to win the war. The only question that remained unanswered at that time was when was it going to stop. Ditto in this war.

Anonymous said...

Russia cannot even make artillery fuses.

The best thing going for Russia is Obama is a fop who knows not things military and Biden is bought and coward beside. If I remember correctly Valerie Jarrett is a slumlord and she thinks she is wiser than she actually is. How many people in the Obama orbit are good at things military.

From growing up crunching crumbs on your father's knee while listening to tales of artillery, how could you forget about the fuses? You should study how the Americans used artillery in Germany, on Iwo Jima or, Okinawa.

It is Biden's to war to lose, but the sad part is he does not know he is losing it nor if he was aware would he care. Do not call Joe late for ice cream.

Joe Biden, the best money Putin and the chicoms ever spent.

Anonymous said...

"And seeing girls dead in Ukie trenches makes my blood boil. The Ukrainians are a bunch of degenerates and thugs for putting them in harms way." -Blobber

Like this?

"A female Russian sniper allegedly responsible for killing 40 Ukrainian people has been captured after she was left to die by her fellow fighters."

the girl's name? Irina Starikova

Call sign is Bagira

Which is much better than your call sign. I don't care how long you practiced sashaying yo ass.

Anonymous said...

Fatboy Budanov was dragging the negotiators out into the streets in front of their homes and shooting them in the head.

Budonov is not fat.

Name the negotiators, who were shot.

Try again harder idiot. You're so dumb and counterproductive I see Lubyanka in your future

Anonymous said...

Meet Valerie Jarrett, One of Chicago’s Biggest Slum Lords; Profited from Ghetto-Property Scheme Backed by State Senator Obama

Diplomat have a different portfolio than generals. Yet their portfolios are intertwined. Military science and the study of war is not and should not perhaps be a budding diplomats endeavor, it is something they should take seriously and keep on learning for life.

Valerie baby took seriously being a land lord in Chiraq. Valerie is very light complected. She does not mind she is turning the screws. She always had a different life.

Mr Nobody said...

Th Ukrainian leadership are degenerate thugs and I do not care which side of this war is doing it, Russian or Ukrainian.

And if you think this is ok because these idiots decide to follow the old Soviet. model, then you are a nut job..

The Stalinist , godless commie model, that is what you are supporting and what to emulate? You are nut case.

As far a this war s out come. I stand behind what I said and none of your crying and incessant vulgar whining will change it.

" So it is not a matter of who you want to win. Just like a the sun rising every morning. It is not a matter of "what you want" it is a matter of hard reality.

The West knows this and so does the Ukrainian leadership. Everyday this war is prolonged every life lost is a waste and Everyone who realizes this needs to be angry."

Anonymous said...

Th Russian leadership are degenerate thugs and I do not care which side of this war is doing it, Russian or Ukrainian.


Anonymous said...

The East knows this and so does the Russian leadership. Everyday this war is prolonged every life lost is a waste and Everyone who realizes this needs to be angry.


30,000 to 40,000 Russian around Avdiivka or in Reserve. The Russian lost 10,000 in a month. It has been 7 weeks since kick off.

Should not the Putin boosters have truth in their boosterism and say there are not 20,000 to 30,000?

With 30,000 o4r 40,000 people around Avdiivka the shipments of grain other foodstuffs, and petrol should be enormous. Are we seeing such a logistics network in evidence?

Am I getting through to you son?

You better listen or you will end up in a Russian labor camp north of the arctic circle.

Anonymous said...

If you were not quoting Ukrainian bs statistics you would be a lot more believable. Keep livng the dream, psyco.

Anonymous said...

love the nazi's phonetic spelling of the word psyco so endearing

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who starts to believe the military industrial complex, financed and powered by BlackRock has significantly contributed to the unnecessary death of so many innocent lives?

If so, and if we are right, when and what are we doing about this demonic entity called Black Rock?

Anonymous said...


The name is Denys Kireyev, which you would know if you read the article that you're responding to.

And yeah, Budanov has gotten chubby since his days crucifying farmers with Tornado battalion back in the 2010's. Eat shit glowie.

Anonymous said...

"Fatboy Budanov was dragging the negotiator(s)"

Kireyev died on 5 March 2022. According to preliminary reports in Russian and Ukrainian media, he was suspected of working as a double agent for Russia and was killed by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) while trying to escape detention. According to these reports, he was suspected of treason, and the SBU held records of telephone conversations as evidence. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence's Directorate of Intelligence subsequently confirmed Kireyev's death in a Facebook post, but asserted that he was an intelligence operative for Ukraine who died in the line of duty on a "special mission."

Kireyev is one person unless somehow the FSB has secret esoteric knowledge known only to them. Could Kireyev be like the the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. One yet multiple? In which case 11:13 did not misspeak or mistype or was not logical or was not lying like a fucked, worthless FSB agent?

So you hang your thesis on someone, who may or may not have been a double agent.

You Russians are fucking useless.

Could it be that all the Jews who emigrated to Israel were the technical brains behind the Soviet Union and now you have nothing?

Is that why you want Ukraine? although oiutn7umvered they have been more innovative and outfought you. You want to somehow make them all good Russians and put a spark of genius into the Russian genepool.

You're pathetic

Hans Persson said...

Ok, thank you for the reply editor. I'm always moody before morning coffee, I apologize.

Anonymous said...

Deranged as always, 2:10. The best shabbos goy around.

Anonymous said...

It's entirely possible that the war will end with a treaty that cedes some Ukrainian territory to Russia so Russia can claim some kind of (Pyrrhic) victory. But the idea that Russia will somehow dictate unconditional terms to Ukraine is a complete fantasy.

Ukrainian casualties are likely far less than 300,000. Ukraine has consistently inflicted more casualties on the Russians than they have taken themselves throughout the war. Likely the only time when Ukrainian casualties were higher was during the first weeks of summer 2022 after Russia pulled out of the north to concentrate on the south, but before HIMARS arrived, and for the first few weeks of summer 2023 before Ukraine changed tactics. Every other time the Ukrainians have likely suffered less casualties, likely a lot less. There's good evidence to suggest that the Ukrainians were inflicting six times their own casualties for the first half of Bakhmut, and there is evidence to think they are inflicting twenty times casualties at Avdiivka currently. Lots of Russian sources are mentioning something like 80% casualties for entire units. Those high numbers are likely not indicative of the overall ratio, but I would not be surprised if total numbers are something like triple the Russian casualties.

When WNU Editor says "peace" what he really means is "surrender", the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty, and Ukraine becoming a vassal of Russia where it controls Ukraine foreign and economic policy. It is hard to see how Boris Johnson or any other Western official could have "pressured" Ukraine. What were they going to do if Kyiv refused, invade Ukraine? Instead of "pressure", it's much more likely Boris just told the Ukrainians he could expect Western support if he continued fighting and therefore Ukraine would get a much better peace deal later that preserved Ukrainian sovereignty. If there was any "pressure" at all, it came from inside Ukraine after evidence of massive Russian war crimes was uncovered at Bucha. None of this is new. Why Ukraine turned down Russia's demands has pretty much been known since April 2022.

When 2023 began, WNU Editor predicted the entire Ukrainian force at Bakhmut would be surrounded and destroyed, that a new Russian army would invade from the east and conquer eastern Ukraine destroying the entire Ukrainian army. Instead, Russia only made marginal tactical gains at huge losses which has degraded Russia's military capabilities. His failed predictions were at the same level of his earlier predictions that the Ukrainian offensive to retake Kherson west of the Dnipro had failed as well as that their Kharkhiv offensive would end in a trap that would destroy the Ukrainian army. And of course his earlier predictions at the war's start that Kharkhiv would fall without a fight, that Kyiv would only resist for a few days before they gave up, and the entire thing would end in a month with the victorious Russian army at the Polish border. He's been consistently wrong.


Anonymous said...


Over 84 years on and there are fewer Jews than in 1939 with a much larger world population by a factor of about 4.

But I expect as much from a country that is as fascist and NAZI as WW2 Germany, the Soviet U
Union is the people that came up with the Doctors Plot.

Behind the Headlines: How Stalin’s Plan to Annihilate USSR Jews Was Thwarted

Do you still have your collection of Der Sturmer? I would like to buy it from you and donate it to the Holocaust Museum.

Do you still check under your bed for Jews?

Anonymous said...

"there is evidence to think they are inflicting twenty times casualties at Avdiivka currently"

The Russians are crossing open ground. Lately, they have often been doing so without tanks or AFVs.

The differences between Bakhmut and Avidiivka is the Ukrainians have cluster munitions like the Russians, which brings up a very sore point. The execrable WNU made such a fuss over the Ukrainians getting cluster munitions, which the Russians already have and have used before the Ukrainians ever did. But WNU (b)complained up a storm about it. So why the complaining? Because the price paid for victory matters even if WNU strenuously asserts, it does not. There is even a point, where although victorious, the Russians loses the peace. We see it in the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict. We see it with Kazakhstan leader giving Putin the cold shoulder. We will see it in the mosques of the 5 stans as the imans remind their believers of how Russia press ganged their citizens, who were economic migrants.

Ukraine has better artillery and artillery counter battery. It could be better still, but more and more people think that Scholz and Biden (or whoever is behind him) are starving the Ukrainians of resources. The Ukrainians are better at drones although I think Russia might achieve something close to parity in the next 3 to 6 months at least production-wise.

Is Russia doing great? the 810th Naval Infantry Brigade has tuned over twice. Soon it will be 3 times. There is so much turnover in such a short time, it reminds me of inventory stock turns. The 810th were moved from Zaporizhzhia Oblast to shore up the Russian position of Kherson Oblast. Now it is being pulled offline due to casualties. Supposedly it will go to a quiet part of the line. The islands. If that is the islands in the river, they will continue to take casualties although perhaps at a lower rate due to drones and artillery. Quiet part. Is that like a quiet part like the Ardennes or is it quiet, because of they die out there on the islands, Putin does not hear them?

10th Spetsnaz is on the line west of Krynky. That is not a Spetsnaz job. It is further misuse of a precious resource. Bad for Russia; good for NATO. The Japanese squandered their aces in WW2. the Americans did not. After a time it showed.

The VDV has it replacement trained by Belarus. They actually have instructors. Putin sent his instructor to the front line. Hitler sent his missile techs to the frontline as infantry before recalling them in the last 12 to 18 months of the war. Great minds think alike. Non-VDV unit replacements? Where do they get their training from? Retirees called back to duty. Are they as good or just salty and old?

Anonymous said...

Lol Hans doesn’t get it but is trying to sound smart. Christ Hans the west doesn’t rule the world bubs, the sooner you can absorb that factoid into your simple western mind, the sooner you will realize this war should have never happened in the first place. But I suppose the vast majority of that attention span you mentioned will be laser focused on nachos, beer and football tomorrow so never mind.

Anonymous said...

Little psychological overbearing attempt there? Hans is made out of sterner stuff. Your playbook does not have than many pages.

"This war should have never happened in the first place."

First, what war is that. The only thing I see is Putin's elective special military operation. Putin and his followers are special as in special ed.

Hans Persson said...

Did I try to sound smart? I just woke up and was getting irritated at the news again. I shouldn't write stuff in that state because I always feel dumb afterwards. I suppose if you want that to reference "sounding smart", go ahead. In fact I always feel stupid compared to some commenters here. But I love that, makes me read up on stuff I had no idea even existed.

Also, about that personal insult, why would I watch football?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I forgot your from Sweden or something. Please have a coffee before your next Russophobe tirade, thanks Hans

Mr Nobody said...

The bottom line, from all the pro Ukrainian posts above, Are you in line with the military and economic facts or are you engaging in speculative hopium?

a. Snippets of tactical failures on the tactical side do not equal defeat at the strategic level.
b. On a strategic level, Russia is winning the war
c. Ukraine's lack of success this summer practically seals its fate.


Ukraine will not be recovering its former lost territories.

and ....there is NO LONGER a call for
a. war crimes trials
b. Ukrainian reparations
c. calling Putin Hilter ( a kill switch for negotiations). You do not negotiate with Hitler

All which mean, the game is up and negotiations will be the future.

To say that Russia will keep only a minimal amount of territory is unrealistic.

(You have no idea what you are talking about ( just like your previous predictions in the last 12 months.)

At a minimum the Russians will retain Crimea and most likely take control of the full territories that they already integrated into their constitution. Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia.

Who is going to stop them? NATO? the US? Just like they fully supplied the Ukrainians in this well did that work out?

Basically the Russians will be able to dictate the terms they want.

If the Ukrainians are in luck they will retain the Mykolaiv and Odessa Oblasts , but do not count on it.

Why? Looking at the situation geopolitically , the Russians would be fools not to take these regions. Why? They are needed to secure their southern flanks and have a large population of ethnic Russians (for those you who believe in R2P)

So if any of you have a plan, Lets hear it.

You all are so quick to say, the Russians will not be able to do this or that. But never do you give any specifics.

In the mean time the Russians were successful at attriting the Ukrainian army and continue to slowly advance,


a. For the Ukraine: With their economy in shambles and their manpower dwindling to a unacceptable level, and with the West being parsimonious with weapons, How do you see the Ukrainians winning at the strategic level?

b. If peace talks happen in a Ukrainian losing situation, how do you see the Russians falling back? Explain why would they do that.

I will say it again.....

" So it is not a matter of who you want to win. Just like a the sun rising every morning. It is not a matter of "what you want" it is a matter of hard reality.

The West knows this and so does the Ukrainian leadership. Everyday this war is prolonged every life lost is a waste and Everyone who realizes this needs to be angry."

And just remember, calling people names in not an answer. It is a sign of a weak mind that cannot form a decent counter argument.

Anonymous said...

Chris is a liar. 90% of what he said in his comment today is a lie or a bending of the truth, or half truths.

Anonymous said...

Former Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, ex-chairman of the NATO military committee Harald Kuyat:

Harald Kuyat: The Russian armed forces are much stronger now than they were before the start of the special military operation. This is a very modern, powerful army. Of course, she also makes mistakes sometimes, but this is understandable. If we are now talking about the number of personnel, then, in addition to the Ukrainian losses that the AFU suffered recently during an unsuccessful counteroffensive, we also need to remember about the huge number of fugitives, defectors and deserters. Sometimes even whole companies go over to the side of the Russians. Moreover, Kiev has almost no reserves left. The German media even wrote about it.

It was reported that Ukrainians can buy a "postponement" from the service for six or ten thousand dollars – and then they just go abroad. There have been a lot of them lately.

Zelensky is trying to restore order. It is not by chance that the Minister of Defense and his deputies were recently dismissed. All heads of regional military mobilization departments have left their posts. And about the military commissar, for example, in Odessa it became known that he earned several million on exemptions from mobilization.

Anonymous said...

Love these last few vatniki posts. They serve the same purpose as an MSM fact check. another bite of the apple/ another chance to lie. way past normal vatmnik working hours. make up with volume what they could not with quality to snow their bosses and not become mobiki.

3 FSB officers died of poisoning in Donbas. Replacements will be needed. Food taters at your own expense. Or you could replace the FSB officer who died in a hail of gunfire in Bryansk. do you think his bullet proof vest protected his face? Or you could participate in a traditional russian meat assault to deplete the stock of Ukrainian bullets.

Anonymous said...

Keep on denying the inevitable. And keep on posting the trivial Russian mistakes or failures. You are like a man who throws a glass of water on his furniture as the house burns to the ground.