Friday, November 17, 2023

UN Says Starvation Imminent In Gaza As Lack Of Fuel Shuts Down Entire Humanitarian Operation


CBS: U.N. says it's unable to make aid deliveries to Gaza due to lack of fuel 

The United Nations said it would not be able to deliver basic necessities to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on Friday due to communication collapsing in the Palestinian enclave and a lack of fuel. The World Health Organization warned that the paralyzed aid would mean the "immediate possibility of starvation" for the roughly 2.3 million people living in the embattled region. 

"The communications network in #Gaza is down because there is NO fuel," the U.N. agency that operates in Gaza, UNRWA, said in a statement on social media. "This makes it impossible to manage or coordinate humanitarian aid convoys."  

Read more .... 

UN Says Starvation Imminent In Gaza As Lack Of Fuel Shuts Down Entire Humanitarian Operation  

Gaza: Lack of fuel threatening to shut down entire humanitarian operation (United Nations)  

UN stops delivery of food and supplies to Gaza as communications blackout hinders aid coordination (AP) 

U.N. Stops Supplies Gaza as Blackout Hinders Aid (Time)  

Communications Blackout in Gaza as Fuel Runs Out (Oil Price)


Anonymous said...

If the cancer can’t eat, then the cancer dies. Sounds good to me. Or it gets the Trudeau charter express to Canada. ✈️

Ron said...

The previous article explains the high percentage of Palestinians who support Oct 7th and do not except Israels right to exist. Israel cannot survive or at least live safe with Palestinians living next door. The debate around the world has nothing to do with Palestinians being Genocide. That is a red herring. All of these protests are for the distinguishing of the Israeli state. I think Israel knows this.

Anonymous said...

Russia Wants Female Prisoners to Give Birth as Population Fears Grow

Jeeebus! Fuck a guard, get out of jail!

Also sounds like an early page out of the Handmaiden's Tale. Won't be long before they are offering straight up cash for babies, and then when that fails, forced pregnancies (of course by Elites only). I really feel sorry for Russian women, their future is a horror movie.

Anonymous said...

I guess the people of Gaza are regretting their support of Hamas right about now....

Anonymous said...

Germany cannot exist with all these jews wanting their homes and property back.

Anonymous said...

Undisciplined Zoomer IDF troops cause concern:

Anonymous said...

Meh, no one except Hamas supporters care. Well deserved. Have they stopped shooting missiles or give up more hostages? No.

Where's Curtis LeMay when you need him? "Operation Meetinghouse" comes to mind. Couple of nights of that and they'll be converting to Buddhism.