Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Does Chinese President Xi Want Trump To Win In 2024?

Thomas Peter / Reuters   

Michael Schuman, The Atlantic: Why Xi Wants Trump to Win 

After four years of Joe Biden, China’s leaders would likely be relieved to have Donald Trump back in the White House. 

Compared with his predecessor, Biden has operated quietly. Trump launched a trade war; slapped tariffs on Chinese imports; and infuriated Beijing by referring to the coronavirus as “the Chinese Virus,” blaming the Chinese Communist Party for its spread, and even at times humoring theories that the party may have played a role in its creation. 

But Biden has hit China harder than Trump ever did. Armed with a more determined foreign policy, he has inflicted acute damage on the country’s economy and geopolitical ambitions, from which China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has struggled to recover. “A Biden-led U.S., probably from the Chinese perspective, looks like a more formidable challenge,” Scott Kennedy, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., told me.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Both Michael Schuman and The Atlantic are long time opponents of former President Trump while also being vocal supporters of President Biden. They do not disappoint in the above post. 

As to what is my take. 

One of the major cornerstones of U.S. foreign policy since Nixon's trip to China in 1973 was to go to great lengths to make sure that the Soviet Union (Russia) and China never formed a political/economic/military alliance. To do so would present a clear geopolitical threat to long term US strategic national interests. 

Sighhhh ....

For the past 50 years this has been the policy. No more now. I can now say with confidence that the Biden administration has successfully blown-up this U.S. foreign policy priority. 

Bottom line. 

A President Trump is not going to change this new political/international reality. And if Biden is re-elected, it will probably accelerate it even further. In both situations President Xi is the winner, and  Xi knows that.


Hans Persson said...

So they are prepping up a new China gate hoax..

Anonymous said...

So WNU somehow imagines a situation where if Trump was still Prez, he'd prevent this alliance... Despite the fact that Trump is antichina as they come.

Anonymous said...

More Atlantic Rag bullsheet. 6 to 9 months they'll be moving on Taiwan with the good weather season.

China Xi Biden is so deep up Xi's ass FJB's mouth is suck to Xi's ba-lls.

Anonymous said...

above very classy

Anonymous said...

When Biden "won", there was a massive celebration in China. They hated trump and publicly joked they got Biden in their pocket.

Wnu I doubt Xi wants Trump. Under trump the gdp lead of USA increased over China. Under woke Biden the US falls into chaos.

Of course they want Biden

Anonymous said...

Trump is a lot of things but a friend of China he is not.If anything he almost certainly blames the chinese for losing in 2020 what with the whole covid thing messing up everything. If he gets back in office his only goal externally will be towards war with China. He possibly already considered war at some point in january 2021.

Anonymous said...

"Poland’s national security agency estimates that Russia could attack NATO in less than 36 months, the head of the country’s National Security Bureau said in an interview with Polish media outlet Nasz Dziennik on Dec. 2."

The above makes sense if the follw0ing is true.

"Neighboring Belarus is technically an ally, but the relationship is more like Belarus being an unwilling donor of resources to a Russia that makes no secret of the plan to absorb Belarus once Ukraine is conquered. Most Belarussians are pro-Ukraine as well as for their own independence from Russia. The pro-Russia Belarus leaders and their security forces, reinforced with some Russians, keep Belarus from more actively supporting Ukraine. Central Asian nations that also became independent of Russia in 1991 see themselves as on the Russian's acquisition list and have adopted a wary neutrality towards the Russia-Ukraine war. Like Belarus, the Central Asians also support Ukraine. This has limited Russian economic opportunities in Central Asia. China has sped up its efforts to replace Russia as the major foreign trading partner with the Central Asian states."

Now German intel thinks it will be 10 years. But think of the German high staff's recommendations pre-war and what Hitler actually did. It is why the Polish prediction is more likely to be right. Putin might as well be Hitler's spiritual son.

It would be cheaper to defeat Russia in Ukraine.

Anonymous said...


smoking a lot of hash . The poles are always going to say such things. They hate the Russians as much as they hate the ukies.

As far as the Belorussians are concerned, they think the Ukrainians are foolish and idiots. I their opinion, there was no reason to do what the Ukie government did. It is like the ukies were under some kind of evil spell.

Yea an evil l spell alright, one of American money and corruptive influence.

Anonymous said...

Oh is he?

Anonymous said...

Uh doubt it

Anonymous said...

Propaganda for 20 years

Anonymous said...

Since 90s in Ukr against RU

mr nobody said...

what happened to zelinski??

Here is moon of Alabamas explanation. is it correct? time will tell.

by the way, Zelensky was not able to join our briefing at 15:00 (22:00 Kiev time) – something happened at the last minute," Schumer said.

Well, yes, something had happened:

Ukraine Aid Falters in Senate as Republicans Insist on Border Restrictions

President Biden’s urgent push to replenish Ukraine’s war chest and send aid to Israel is on the brink of collapse in the Senate, where Republicans are prepared on Wednesday to block the funding unless Democrats agree to add strict measures to clamp down on migration at the U.S. border with Mexico.
A classified briefing with administration officials called to shore up support devolved into a partisan screaming match on Tuesday afternoon, with Republicans angrily accusing Democrats of trying to steamroller over their demands for a border crackdown.

It would have been easy for the Democrats to commit a few billions for border security. But Biden wants to end the war in Ukraine. Starving it of money is the easiest way to push it towards negotiations.

All this was planned by the Pentagon think tank RAND which, early this year, published a study about how to end the war in Ukraine: