Tuesday, October 8, 2019

White House Blocks EU Ambassador From Testifying In The Impeachment Inquiry

New York Times: Witness in Trump-Ukraine Matter Ordered Not to Speak in Impeachment Inquiry

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration directed a top American diplomat involved in its pressure campaign on Ukraine not to appear Tuesday morning for a scheduled interview in the House’s impeachment inquiry.

The decision to block Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union, from speaking with investigators for three House committees is certain to provoke an immediate conflict with potentially profound consequences for the White House and President Trump. House Democrats have repeatedly warned that if the administration tries to interfere with their investigation, it will be construed as obstruction, a charge they see as potentially worthy of impeachment.

Democrats from the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Government Affairs committees did not immediately respond on Tuesday.

But in making the decision, hours before he was scheduled to sit for a deposition in the basement of the Capitol, the Trump administration appears to be calculating that it is better off risking the House’s ire than letting Mr. Sondland show up and set a precedent for cooperation with an inquiry they have strenuously argued is illegitimate.

Robert Luskin, Mr. Sondland’s lawyer, said in a statement that as a State Department employee, his client had no choice but to comply with the administration’s direction. He said Mr. Sondland had been prepared and happy to testify, and would do so in the future if allowed.

“Ambassador Sondland is profoundly disappointed that he will not be able to testify today,” Mr. Luskin said. “Ambassador Sondland believes strongly that he acted at all times in the best interests of the United States, and he stands ready to answer the committee’s questions fully and truthfully.”

Read more ....

Update: The Latest: Lawyer says Sondland barred from House panel (AP)

WNU Editor: Will this force the House to have a floor vote authorizing this impeachment inquiry .... probably not. Will this be used by House Democrats that President Trump is obstructing justice .... definitely. Will this result in a court case on Executive power and Congressional authority .... definitely. But as this blog mentioned last night, the fix is already in so if you are in the White House you might as well fight it .... U.S. House Democrats Believe They Already Have The Votes Needed To Impeach President Trump.


RussInSoCal said...

Schiff runs to the nearest microphone, let's loose his little tirade and runs away, answering no questions.

Schiff is holding all these hearings in secret. The House Intel Committee has still not released the whole transcript of the Volker hearing. The reason for both tricks is to selectively leak and attempt to frame the interviews to their favor while keeping the public in the dark.

The Trump admin is right to give the middle finger to Schiff on this appearance - and all following appearances. Let's shine a little daylight on this process. The Dems need to be forced to have a actual vote on their impeachment scam. Put the cowards on the record and make this real. No more scurrying around (like a rat) between press gaggles and hidden hearings.

/Hell, the Dems can point to any number of "polls" that say the American people are all in for impeachment. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

The best part is they think no one notices and it's working like a charm.

Roger Smith said...

You got it Russ. Hypocrites beyond measure.