Saturday, May 9, 2020

President Obama Says US 'Rule Of Law' At Risk After Flynn Case Dropped

Yahoo News: Exclusive: Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case

WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.

Read more ....

Update #1: In leaked conversation Obama says US 'rule of law' at risk after Flynn case dropped -- The Guardian
Update #2: bama Slams Dropping of Michael Flynn Case, Calls White House COVID-19 Response 'Absolute Chaotic Disaster': Report -- Newsweek
Update #3: Obama blasts DOJ's decision to drop Flynn case: 'Rule of law is at risk' -- The Hill

WNU Editor: Transcripts that no one thought would ever see the light day are released by the House Intelligence Committee this past Thursday. And among the many bombshells that were disclosed was this one .... Declassified Documents Reveal That President Obama Knew Details Of Wiretapped Phone Calls Of Incoming Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn (May 8, 2020). In short. President Obama knew the details of wiretaps on President Trump National Security Adviser. Or to put it more bluntly. His administration was listening in (and reporting to President Obama) details of conversations involving President Trump's top national security adviser. The next question that then needs to be answered by the former President is this one. When did he know that President Trump's top national security adviser's conversations were being monitored, and why did he not stop it? The implications of President Obama using the intelligence agencies/Justice Department to spy on his opponent are huge, and I am sure the former President is aware of that.

So here is some of my speculation/analysis, and you tell me where I may be wrong (or right).

On Friday a conference phone call is quickly arranged between former President Obama and some of his closest allies to respond to Thursday's House Intel document dump implicating the former President on Michael Flynn's wiretaps. The next day former President Obama's remarks are leaked, starting with the 'rule of law is at risk' in the Michael Flynn case. That leak made me raise my eyebrows. President Obama ran an administration on a very tight leash, and there were rarely any leaks. That is why I know this leak was deliberate, and this is the reason why. What former President Obama is doing right now is a deflection. With his accusation that President Trump's response to the pandemic is chaotic to the Michael Flynn ruling puts the "rule at law at risk" .... what he wants right now is to change the narrative away from what was revealed on Thursday. And what is the narrative that he is trying to change? The monitoring of President Trump's top intelligence adviser and his communications, and the role that the former President played in it. I could be wrong .... and I hope that I am. But my gut is telling me that we are going to learn more in the coming days/weeks/and months. That besides monitoring Trump officials like Carter Page during the campaign, the Obama administration were also monitoring other members of the Trump team. That this monitoring intensified after he had won the nomination, and increased even more so after he had won the election. Michael Flynn may just be the tip of a very big iceberg, and I think that is what President Trump has been alluding to in the past few weeks. So what is next? Former President Obama was startled with what he saw on Thursday, and he has now gone public in his attacks against President Trump. I am even willing to bet that we are going to see more of the former President than former Vice President Biden and presumed Democrat Presidential nominee in the coming weeks. Will the former President be successful? I am not sure. I am someone who never underestimated the former President. As a politician he is one of the best, and one of the most ruthless. These leaks tell me that he has made a decision to not stay on the sidelines, and that he is now going to do everything in his power to make sure that President Trump is defeated in November, and that any inquiry in his role on the spying of Trump administration officials is all buried in a Biden administration.


Anonymous said...






RussInSoCal said...

Obama may well be of the best/most ruthless pols in history, but without a teleprompter and careful staging he's a volatile, stuttering mess. Those tendencies create large problems with being under scrutiny in the public eye. (Especially for someone unused to any scrutiny)

Obama being more in the public eye will lead to some difficult questions eventually being asked. Happily, there will be many more significant reveals from the Durham investigation. I've heard, "The tip of the iceberg" often used to describe the Flynn/Russia case.

Spying, entrapment, suppression of evidence, abuse of power, coerced guilty plea, lying to FISA courts, etc...

I for one look forward to Obama's candid explanations of these activities. I hope he speaks loud, clear and often.



Unknown said...

If evidence comes to light re many allegations of perversions of the course of justice , arrests have to be made & suspects, no matter how high up in government or previous governments need to be brought before a court of law for the good of the USA. Otherwise the USA will be a nuclear armed banana Republic. Very dangerous. Party lines should not come into this. It does seem apparent, if you've been paying attention, that this has been a slow burn coup. You need control of the news media, TV, radio stations, newspapers to mount a successful coup. Anyone in the media knowingly aiding & abetting should also be arrested & brought before a court. If the political establishment is prepared to fit up other members of the establishment they disagree with, innocent parties, to send to prison, threaten to fit up family members with a view to overthrowing a duly elected president, I'm very concerned about what they will do next. Assassinations? Loose cannons? Loose howitzers more like! Obama commenting on the dismissal of the charges in the Flynn case & mounting an offensive against his successor re the Covid 19 outbreak is a sure sign of desperation. Does not look good. Makes Obama look guilty! I hope the rule of law succeeds & justice is done in this event. Keep ducking 😲🙏

Anonymous said...

" As a politician he is one of the best, and one of the most ruthless. These leaks tell me that he has made a decision to not stay on the sidelines, and that he is now going to do everything in his power to make sure that President Trump is defeated in November, and that any inquiry in his role on the spying of Trump administration officials is all buried in a Biden administration."

If he is one of the best. That would make me scared.

I certainly know he is ruthless. His predecessor in the state senate, a elderly black woman, decided to retire. Barack threw his hat into the ring. Then she changed her mind. He did not fight her in the primaries. He simply knocked out a little old black lady with technicalities. He unsealed the divorce records for his opponent for US senate. So it goes. So he is ruthless.

Obama is not smart. He is not dumb. But he is arrogant and ignorant. Add ruthless to the mix and that is a dangerous combination.

He will do or say anything to come out on top. As Senator he supported clean coal. As president he did not.

I even think Obama's immaculate conception could be a lie. He might have West African instead of East African roots. What would that mean?

And we still have not seen his college thesis or his GPA.

Gotta protect him. Our first affirmative action president.

Anonymous said...


A Russian speaking local talk show host, who went off the air in January in corporate re-organizing was of the opinion you didn't jail presidents, ex-presidents or presidential nominees. He opined it would not be healthy for the nation. Certainly in the US people get the rent a mobs out like OWS, Antifa and others.

I would be happy enough to get Holder or others and not Obama. The stink would be there always. It would reach from the golf courses of Hawaii to to the very low lying beach of Marthas Vinyard.

Anonymous said...

Why did Henry Louis Gates, Jr. a genetic analysis of Michelle Obama, but not Barack Obama?

A two-fer would have been bigger ratings.

So why wasn't it done?


There is a lot of genetic variability in Africa. Even among black people.

Anonymous said...

When Obama was elected it was observed that the Nation should prepare for Chicago style dirty politics. That was true and we see actual proof of it now. Nothing is off the table, the DNC and their supporters will be ‘all in’. It’s do or die and they will whatever it takes to defeat the President.
I expect accusations of sexual impropriety with ‘witnesses’, Schiff style exhortation of false narratives concerning whatever crime they think they can sell to a voting population that abandoned critical thinking long ago, and a new wave of investigations tailored to leak one sided falsehoods that only have to last until the second week of November.
The Republicans have never been good at this style of politics even at its lowest level. They better step up and be willing to open the floodgates of government emails. The President can walk into the NSA/FBI and demand immediate compliance with declassification orders. Let’s see those Obama discussions with Putin, Dept of State emails when HRC was Secretary. They better throw down or it’s the ballgame.

Anonymous said...

A never-ending line at the drive-thru asks to supersize. Keep super-sizing America!

Anonymous said...

"A never-ending line at the drive-thru asks to supersize. Keep super-sizing America!"

Shit, what are you talking about Willis?

About 14% or so of the country are imports. I know a import and you are not supersizing nothing without hearing about it.

Maybe you ought to get out more.

Maybe you ought to eat out at a foreign country. For instance corona virus has cause the Chinese not to use their personal eating utensils in the common bowl anymore. Without going to McDonalds in China, Japan, Europe or South America, how do you know what they do there?

Anonymous said...

" They better step up and be willing to open the floodgates of government emails."

Agreed. It better not be a drip, drip, drip

It should be a deluge every day or every week, Hammer blows against the Blue Mafia.

Declassify all the emails. Let it all hang out.

Anonymous said...

The editor would establish a new conspiracy theory. While ignoring everything that Trump is doing and has done. There is no need to bury anything. The rule of law was being followed. The proof is in the outcomes that you had. Truly if the rule of law was not followed it would’ve been worse for Trump. The trump administration is the most corrupt that ever hit the presidency. Surrounded by Yes men ready to do his dirty work. Men of morals and convictions do not last long in his administration. The muller investigation did establish wrongdoing by this administration but left it up to the senate to do its work. You know how those corrupt Republicans handled it. no morals whatsoever. Not like in the good old days when they would if held their ground. Don’t fall for the propaganda and don’t be gaslighted. Real republicans are embarrassed by this moron. The Republican establishment has caved. Their true spirit died with McCain. Listen how the people who have worked with him in his administration talk about him after they have left.

Anonymous said...

are you better off now than you were one year ago?

Anonymous said...

Just keep lying, it's all you have clerk.

Anonymous said...

Actually yes. How about you?

Anonymous said...

How this president has handled the pandemic gives every US citizens the insight into how incompetent this president and his administration is.

Anonymous said...

Where is the lie in anon 12:40 statement?

Anonymous said...

Isn’t this the President that asked Comey for loyalty? Fired Session for following the law and not curtail the Russian investigation like he wanted? And now has Barr that misconstrued the investigations findings and now is covering up for him?

Anonymous said...

Anon@6:08, 7:55, 7:57, 8:17, but I'm repeating myself.
Anyway you are losing clerk. But I will give you credit you are a persistent liar.

Anonymous said...

The Squirrel is still upset about that male student!

Anonymous said...

Fact check away anon 8:27. You got nothing. The Clerk.

Anonymous said...

"are you better off now than you were one year ago?"

The corona virus is a natural event. "The lockdown and job loss is Democrat caused." The Democrats were talking and intimating that they would impeach over corona.

6:08 is too fucking stupid to know that the Imperial college prediction was utter shit.

If gave indeterminate outcomes. That is you feed it the same data and it would give you wildly varying results. That is not a good program The Imperial college program was riddled with Heisenbugs. 6:08 is too stupid to know what a Heisenbug is, but he is partisan enough to want to be ruled by them.

Fauci took it at face value. Fauci spends 2/3rd of the day in the office. Spending time in the office does not automatically equate to productive work. It begs the question. What is Fauci doing at work except building a legend for himself like Comey. why did Fauci not do due diligence on the Imperial College prediction? I do not expect Fauci to be a top notch programmer, but he did not delegate to experts. So he was caught parroting supposed experts.

There are a variety of different graph types, In one class alone we learned how 7 were used But the click bait media only use 3.

Signed Heisenbug

Anonymous said...

Code Review of Ferguson’s Model

This is a takedown of the Imperial College disease modelling that Dr Fauci relied on and ultimately prevailed on Trump because of political pressure.

This software program will be infamous in coding classes for the next generation. Real professors, professors of software engineering, will tell their students what utter shit this program was.

Meanwhile Leftists of poor education will sing its praises, while they await for their high priests to tell them that the next eclipse won't harm them, if they donate.

Anonymous said...

Can lowly whoring clerks code?

Anonymous said...

"you got nothing" lol you should know clerk!

G said...

Good grief

Anonymous said...

The "Clerk" is E. Farkas and like her he's got nothing!

G said...

What a wonderful worlds

Anonymous said...

are you better off now than you were last year?

Anonymous said...

"are you better off now than you were last year?" yes.

Anonymous said...

So whoring clerk has proven that it cannot code.

Whoring clerk engaged in human trafficking. It admitted as much. There is no statute of limitations on that.

Anonymous said...

The average statute of limitation for a federal crime is 5 years. However, more serious crimes—often capital crimes—do not have a statute of limitation. Federal trafficking law 18 U.S.C. § 1591, which criminalizes sex trafficking by force, fraud, coercion, or of a child, does not have a statute of limitation.

Partaking of the sex trade is human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

FLASHBACK: Barack Obama Pardoned a Former General Who Lied to the FBI