Monday, September 21, 2020

Attorney General In The US Virgin Islands Wants To Know The Names Of Every Passenger To Have Flown On Jeffrey Epstein's Aircraft

The subpoena demands the names and details of anyone who worked for the pilots, interacted with Epstein and passengers who travelled with him on the infamous 'Lolita Express' (pictured)

Daily Mail: Names of EVERY passenger to have flown on Jeffrey Epstein's aircraft 'to be revealed "sparking panic among the pedophile's wealthy friends"'

* The Attorney General in the US Virgin Islands has subpoenaed his flight logs
* Spanning from 1998 until his death last year, the logs show his passengers
* Many famous people have previously been revealed to have flown with him

Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs on his aircraft, including his 'Lolita Express' jet, have been subpoenaed, sparking fear among the rich and famous who partied with the pedophile.

The Attorney General in the US Virgin Islands, where the billionaire had a home and is said to have carried out many of his horrific crimes, has demanded to see the logs which document the passengers on his aircraft.

The logs on his four helicopters and three planes span from 1998 until his suicide in prison last year.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Many of his close friends have already been revealed. As for these logs .... I would not be surprised if they have been misplaced/destroyed/or scattered around.


Anonymous said...


Bill Clinton
Al Gore
Larry Summers
Sandy Berger


No Obama. No worries. He does not swing that way.

Anonymous said...

I'm not aware of but a name or two from past articles. How embarrassing. Worse than 'Mr. Climate' gore's $1200 a month electric bill a few years ago as he was raking in the dollars on his pseudo science climate movies and lecturing the world about global warming.

Unbelievable. Leaders of the planet.

Anonymous said...

Grab the popcorn, this should be fun