Monday, September 21, 2020

US Department of Justice Designates 3 US Cities As 'Anarchist Jurisdictions'

U.S. Attorney General William Barr (Bob Christie/AP)

Daily Mail: Bill Barr's Justice Department brands New York, Portland and Seattle as 'anarchist jurisdictions' and face losing billions for failing to maintain law and order

* The Justice Department issued a memo naming the three cities
* It says they 'have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activity'
* New York is getting $7 billion in grants in 2021
* All three cities are run by local governments under Democratic control
* Comes as President Trump campaigns across the country on 'law and order'

The Justice Department declared New York City, Portland and Seattle as 'anarchist jurisdictions that can have federal funding ripped away for failing to clamp down on violence according to its criteria.

It listed the three cities as among those 'that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activity.'

Read more ....

More News On The US Department of Justice Designating 3 US Cities As 'Anarchist Jurisdictions'

Feds threaten funds to NYC, Seattle and Portland over unrest -- AP
U.S. Justice Department weighs stripping federal funds from cities allowing 'anarchy' -- Reuters
Justice Dept. deems New York City, Portland and Seattle 'anarchist jurisdictions' -- NBC
Justice Department labels New York, Portland and Seattle as 'anarchy' jurisdictions -- CNN
DOJ identifies NYC, other cities as jurisdictions permitting 'anarchy, violence and destruction' -- FOX News
DOJ names New York City, Portland, Seattle 'anarchist jurisdictions' that could lose federal funding -- USA Today
New York, Seattle and Portland Are Anarchies, Barr Says -- Bloomberg
Outrage as Bill Barr brands NYC and Portland ‘anarchist jurisdictions’ in bid to cut federal funding -- The Independent


Anonymous said...

Other cities can balance their budgets but NYC, for example, has been in bankruptcy in the 70's and may be staring at it again. I have misgivings about bailing out loser mindsets and behavior. Our federal government included.

Anonymous said...

Barr is trolling well. That's an important skill for an AG.

Anonymous said...

Barr is not trolling.

Why single out NYC?

"The heads of over 160 major corporations, from Macy’s to MasterCard, are pleading with Mayor Bill de Blasio to finally crack down on crime and address quality-of-life concerns so New Yorkers can return to work ..."

Because de Blasio is running it into the ground.

Why Portland?

Over 100 nights of rioting and it is starting up again.

Why Seattle?

Because anarchists took over 6 city blocks for several weeks and the mayor did nothing for the longest time except say "Maybe it is another summer of love"

There are still liberals, Democrats, and children playing Red Guard in Seattle.

China is run by an steelfisted oligarchy, but in the future historians might say that during this time it was civilized whereas the US was not.

A hallmark of civilization is being able to use public transportation safely. It is not the only hallmark, but on that, China has us beat. It certainly has us beat, when looking Seattle, Portland and NYC.

Mike Feldhake said...

Look, 95% of the US is civil, I know, I travel a lot and see nothing of all this rioting. It’s just focused on a small portion of the population and is not a thing other than for the media to harp on and get everyone’s panties in a wad. If you want to see chaos, look at what the Italian black shirts did or the German SA (not SS), they were bullies of 25-100x in comparison.

Anonymous said...

The largest 50 cities all had protests (okay) and mayhem (not okay). We do not hear about Detroit, because there is nothing to destroy. The Democrats have misruled it for so long.

In Austin and elsewhere in Texas a Democrat governor cracked down and prevented Democrats from using their bully boys.

In Louisville it is ot the governor and it definitely is not the mayor. BLM and others are afraid of the citizens who might meet force with force.

We had problems in St Louis. The DA there is a Soros DA. There are still problems in Denver. Lincoln had problems but the governor sent the national guard.

More cities would be experience periodic violence except Nancy Pelosi got back the internal polls that showed it was hurting the Democrats.

Where I live the hooligans wanted to hit the major city and the next 6 largest cities. The police were enough by themselves merely being a presence.

Anonymous said...

Miss nancy showed her colors. Her behavior had little to do about the country but she came to life [for a fossil] when this behavior meant lost votes.

No shame.

Unknown said...

Give me the money I will put a end to all that madness

Anonymous said...

Louisville Police Declare State of Emergency Ahead of Grand Jury Announcement in Breonna Taylor Shooting

Breonna thought that her hunk was a HVAC tech. She had no ideal that he was a thug. None.