Sunday, March 28, 2021

Was This Murder Or An Accident?

Sara Carter: Two teenage girls carjack and kill an Uber driver, CNN called it an accident 

An Uber Eats driver was killed by two young teenage girls in Washington D.C. after they carjacked his vehicle last Tuesday on March 23, in one of the most shockingly horrifying videos posted on Twitter. 

What was even more shocking was that CNN called it an accident and now people are calling out the cable network on its decision to use the term to describe the incident, which was caught on video. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I have been reflecting on this story since yesterday. 

Should I post it? Should I not? 

A hard working 66 year-old immigrant working in a low paying job working hard to make ends meet for his family being killed/murdered in such a senseless manner by two young girls who have no remorse for the terrible crime that they did and how they have destroyed a family. . 

Normally I put these stories aside. 

But what changed for me is the media coverage of this terrible story. 

Most ignored it, and in the case of CNN, they made an effort to "excuse it". 

And sad to say. But not surprising. That horrible CNN tweet without correction is still up there (see below).


Anonymous said...

"This rule holds that a tortfeasor is liable for all consequences resulting from their tortious (usually negligent) activities leading to an injury to another person, even if the victim suffers an unusually high level of damage (e.g. due to a pre-existing vulnerability or medical condition).[3] The eggshell skull rule takes into account the physical, social, and economic attributes of the plaintiff which might make them more susceptible to injury."

The response from the DC Mayor was underwhelming.

A teenager might not and probably would not realize that while a taser usually does not kill a person, it could. You would not get the truth from a person and especially a teenager about what they knew about a taser. Maybe you cannot get them on murder charges (intent) but you could get them on manslaughter charges.

I do not understand what unfolded. A passerby saw the event and knew something bad was happening and so started filming. How long the threats or carjacking was going on is unknown.

Perhaps the driver did not think they would shoot him with people walking by on the sidewalks and a shuttle driving behind him (as the filming starts).

Was the driver trying to get back in the car? He was only half way in the car when it started forward. Could he have reached the accelerator (gas pedal) being standing and only in the car? The carjacker may have hit the accelerator to try to leave him behind and finish stealing the car. She may have been steering with her left hand.

The soldier standing around at the crash site is interesting. They could not have seen the whole thing or know exactly what was going on. Their action or inaction is interesting. What is their chain of command going to tell them?

I am not surprised that one of the girls went back to the car to retrieve her phone. She knows the phone links her to the crime scene.

I am also not surprised that they engaged in car jacking. It has nothing to do with poverty and everything to do with political values.

K said...

This is so sick, what's happening to our society?

Anonymous said...

Democrat Family Values

RussInSoCal said...

Obviously white supremicists.

Oh wait.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whenever CNN takes sides in a crime and justifies it, I don't even have to look at the race of the attackers. I'm suuuuure they're white.

CNN is not news.
They lie
They enrich themselves of your misery
They divide your nation
They are not news and should not be protected as news

They're monsters

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the black national guardsmen help the black female carjackers/murders while they let the murder victim die on his own; they even seem to order people away who try to go to help him. The US has descended into tribal warfare. God forgive and help us all!

Stephen Davenport said...

To me the guy looked already deceased, some one probably already checked his pulse and realized that.

Anonymous said...

There are some charitable reasons for the national guard not be have acted.

One is the Posse Comitatus Act. It has seeped so far into our culture that it is taught to babies three seconds after they have drawn their first breath. Posse Comitatus was not passed by the Founding Fathers. It was passed at the behest of Democrats, because Democrats were all about Jim Crow. The filibuster is not about slavery and Jim crow. Posse Comitatus is.

Last I checked your average soldier is not stupid. The are more knowledgeable to some degree than your average citizen despite what liar John EFF Kerry regurgitates.

To act in a proper manner to enforce laws they would need some training is all. To always bow down before Posse Comitatus and not repeal it, is to bow down to Democrats before the debate even get started. It is why Democrats love framing debates.

Posse Comitatus was all about Reconstruction. Reconstruction was all about the Civil War and Slavery.

The guardsmen checked for a pulse? It does not let them off the hook. People with no pulse have been brought back by CPR. So why prevent people from helping Anwar?

I can see Guards not not arresting the girls. For one they have been told over and over they are not law enforcement and they have been told they have not been given all the training they need. So why step forward?

Also, arrest at times is a very neutral thing. It is to take people into custody. You do not know, who did what and you do not want an evil doer to escape. You have 24 hours to sort it out, max. But arrest is most often freighted with the connotation of guilt. Who would want to arrest minor and especially if they are black and especially in a city run by mean, low down, no good, vindictive, crazy black woman, who is a racist?

Then there is racism. Although a liberal white person would aver that Black people cannot be racists and some of them actually believe it, many black people are racist. You will find some of them in the military.