Friday, May 19, 2023

Russian President Putin Says The West Is Trying To Break Up Russia

Reuters: Putin: West trying to break Russia up 

Putin said the more sanctions the West hits Russia with, the greater the level of cohesion within Russian society. 

The Russian president was speaking via video link at a meeting or Russia's Council on Interethnic relations. 

 Putin's remarks came on the day that leaders of the world's richest democracies agreed to stiffen sanctions against Russia.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Many in Washington have already made it very clear that this is what they are hoping for .... U.S. Think Tank Says A Russian Defeat In Ukraine Could Mean A Break-Up Of Russia (October 4, 2022).


Anonymous said...

This is not new,
Western comitators and officials have been discussing this and WANT this.
Problem is that this is also discussed in ad nausium on Russian tv.
So in that regard the West/ neocons have purposely painted themselves into a corner.
They made it so the Russians think this is the end...It is now do or die.
So there will be no giving up.
I know some of you speak of defeating the Russians. I tell you now it will not happen. Because of bullshit neocon talk like this, they will fight to the last.

Anonymous said...

Russia invades a sovereign nation and the West is trying to do this or that?
Russia is breaking up Russia

Anonymous said...

"could mean" is not the same as "want".

That said it could be used by people to express their desire, while hiding behind words. They have plausible deniability.

When Professor Igor Panarin said the US would break up, he was expressing his learned opinion or he was expressing a Russian leadership desire, while giving them plausible deniability.

Two can play at that game.

Or as Fred Lapides would say"

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gooser.

I do not see the US breaking up. Why? Because it is becoming every bit as much as a surveillance state as China. The elite want their mansions and their serfs. It is that simple.

Anonymous said...

1:34 Lapides sighting.

Anonymous said...

The think tankers are talking about 43 separate little shithole countries with tiny populations incapable of defending their own interests. A second africa to plunder.

Anonymous said...

Atlantic Council's Alp Sevimlisoy

Name looks Turkish.

He is not one of the beautiful fair haired children. At least not yet.

Anonymous said...

Russia is perfectly capable of breaking themselves up without Western aid; much like the Soviet Union collapse, Russia has never been a democracy, just a masterfully disguised dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM
spotted leaving your girlfriend's condo

Anonymous said...

Russia invades a sovereign nation and the West is trying to do this or that?
Russia is breaking up Russia

fazman said...

To simple a concept for some of the FSB lurking here to grasp

Anonymous said...

yep. total clowns. which is why i can't even support a fight against the totalitarian chinese monsters

Anonymous said...

yep not gonna happen.
Shaka Russki.

Anonymous said...

whoah! creepish